Since Go 1.5 is out, I made a tool to build Go packages for every OS/architecture combo

polaris · · 534 次点击    
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<p>Since Go 1.5 lets you build packages for any supported operating system and architecture, I made a small tool that uses <code>os/exec</code> to build Go packages for every combination. I wanted this so I could easily support as many platforms as possible for program releases; I figured someone else might find it useful: <a href="" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a></p> <p>Feedback is very much appreciated!</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>brokedown: <pre><p>I&#39;d really like to use a tool like this, but cgo doesn&#39;t cross compile for windows targets. Boo!</p></pre>will_alexander: <pre><p>Oh, yeah, I should mention cgo in the README. It ruins all the cross-compiling fun :(</p></pre>rock_neurotiko: <pre><p>Noob question, what&#39;s the difference of this and gox?</p></pre>will_alexander: <pre><p>I didn&#39;t know about this! It looks like gox is more mature and full-featured; mine is closer to a shell script. His also works for Go &lt;1.5 by rebuilding the toolchain.</p></pre>thomasfr: <pre><p>I have a docker image for one project which has osxcross and mingw installed.. I don&#39;t believe in a general solution for this since every project might differ. Cant really share the image because apple wont allow me redistribute their osx frameworks.</p></pre>

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