Permission denied when using Go Install

polaris · · 4279 次点击    
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<pre><code>go install open /Users/MyName/projects/go/bin/hello: permission denied </code></pre> <p>That&#39;s what I get. I have the GOROOT in my bashrc file. I have the GOPATH set up right. </p> <p>Everything else is working correctly when I check with the &#34;-x&#34; flag.</p> <p>Do I just need to change some permissions? This may just be a BASH question, idk.</p> <p><strong>edit</strong>: same thing when I tried to download and run tetris</p> <pre><code>go get ; tetris go install mkdir /Users/Cale/projects/go/pkg/darwin_amd64: permission denied </code></pre> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>FIuffyRabbit: <pre><p>What is the output of </p> <pre><code>ls -l /Users/MyName/projects/go/bin </code></pre></pre>analogphototaker: <pre><p>Nothing</p></pre>calebdoxsey: <pre><p>What does <code>go env</code> give you?</p> <p>Two ideas:</p> <ul> <li>Do you have a space in your username? That can sometimes cause problems.</li> <li>Maybe the permissions really are set such that go can&#39;t create the folders. You could try: <code>chmod -R 777 ~/projects</code>.</li> </ul></pre>analogphototaker: <pre><pre><code>GOARCH=&#34;amd64&#34; GOBIN=&#34;&#34; GOEXE=&#34;&#34; GOHOSTARCH=&#34;amd64&#34; GOHOSTOS=&#34;darwin&#34; GOOS=&#34;darwin&#34; GOPATH=&#34;/Users/MyName/projects/go&#34; GORACE=&#34;&#34; GOROOT=&#34;/usr/local/go&#34; GOTOOLDIR=&#34;/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64&#34; GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=&#34;&#34; CC=&#34;clang&#34; GOGCCFLAGS=&#34;-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common&#34; CXX=&#34;clang++&#34; CGO_ENABLED=&#34;1&#34; </code></pre> <p>A space in the user on my computer? No, it&#39;s just my first name. </p> <p>I got &#34;Operation not permitted&#34; when I tried chmod on the projects folder.</p></pre>calebdoxsey: <pre><p>It sounds like the permissions on your home folder are wrong. Try the same command, but this time with sudo: <code>sudo chmod -R 777 ~/projects</code>.</p> <p>If you don&#39;t have admin access on your computer (needed for <code>sudo</code>) and you don&#39;t have write access to your own home directory, then I&#39;m not sure what you can do to fix this. </p> <p>Maybe you can create another folder in your home directory and try again?</p> <pre><code>cd ~ mkdir go env GOPATH=$HOME/go get $HOME/go/bin/tetris </code></pre> <p>If that works just update your GOPATH in your bashrc. (I actually tend to use $HOME as my GOPATH, and then all my code is in $HOME/src, and everything gets installed to $HOME/bin, which plays nice with other things I want to put in there)</p></pre>

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