MailSlurper 1.6 Released

blov · · 734 次点击    
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<p>MailSlurper version 1.6 is now released. MailSlurper is the handy SMTP mail server written in Go that slurps mail into oblivion! It is perfect for individual developers or small teams writing applications that need to test mail functionality. Visit <a href=""></a> to download today.</p> <p>This release includes the following:</p> <ul> <li><strong>FEATURE:</strong> Added a new administrative section. The first feature is a tool to prune old emails</li> <li><strong>FEATURE:</strong> Added buttons to jump directly to the first and last pages of mail items</li> <li><strong>BUG:</strong> The current filter popover was missing From/To search information. That information now displays in the popover</li> <li><strong>BUG:</strong> Apostrophes in email subject lines were not decoded correctly. They are now more human-friendly</li> <li><strong>BUG:</strong> The word <em>attachements</em> was misspelled. I have since learned to spell.</li> <li><strong>BUG:</strong> All mail items were showing the paperclip icon, even if they didn&#39;t have an attachment. These items are now happier with themselves and have accepted that not all emails have attachments.</li> </ul> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>captainju: <pre><p>Looks good :)</p> <p>In wich way is it different from MailHog ?</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>adampresley: <pre><blockquote> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> </blockquote> <p>It really isn&#39;t different. I noticed MailHog will allow you to eventually send the mail for real, which mine does not. When I first wrote MailSlurper in Java back in 2011 I didn&#39;t find a lot of programs that did this. So I wrote something. Now I&#39;ve seen quite a few of these. Either way it is a fun tool to write and I have found Go to be the perfect language to write it in.</p></pre>jovianjake: <pre><p>Awesome tool! At work we had a devnull@ email account that we used for massive tests and recently we found out it was redirected to one of the IT guys. What could possibly go wrong if you redirect devnull to your own email?</p> <p>I&#39;m sure he&#39;ll be more than happy to hear from this tool :)</p></pre>adampresley: <pre><p>Thanks! If you have issues or feature feedback definitely put a ticket in on the Github page.</p></pre>

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