在线 SQL 转 ElasticSearch DSL

miaogaolin · · 1072 次点击    
这是一个分享于 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
传送门:[]( ## 效果图 ![](!large) ## 当前支持 - [x] sql and expression - [x] sql or expression - [x] equal(=) support - [x] not equal(!=) support - [x] gt(>) support - [x] gte(>=) support - [x] lt(<) support - [x] lte(<=) support - [x] sql in (eg. id in (1,2,3) ) expression - [x] sql not in (eg. id not in (1,2,3) ) expression - [x] paren bool support (eg. where (a=1 or b=1) and (c=1 or d=1)) - [x] sql like expression (currently use match phrase, perhaps will change to wildcard in the future) - [x] sql order by support - [x] sql limit support - [x] sql not like expression - [x] field missing check - [x] support aggregation like count(\*), count(field), min(field), max(field), avg(field) - [x] support aggregation like stats(field), extended_stats(field), percentiles(field) which are not standard sql function - [ ] null check expression(is null/is not null) - [ ] join expression - [ ] having support

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