Plugin like architecture with new buildmodes

polaris · · 504 次点击    
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<p>With the introduction of the new <a href="">build modes</a> shouldn&#39;t it be possible to create some kind of plugin architecture for go programs.</p> <p>For example: One main binaries that scans a directory with contain multiple binaries that are loaded during run time and can be called during run time as long as they implement predefinded interfaces?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>joeshaw: <pre><p>There&#39;s no mechanism yet to programmatically load shared objects at runtime. That&#39;s the purpose of the &#34;plugin&#34; build mode (see <a href=""></a>), but it wasn&#39;t done for Go 1.5.</p></pre>TheMerovius: <pre><p>Not really. You want both the main program and the plugins to share the same runtime and compiler-generated type info (for interfaces to work). Afaik that is not currently the case. So you would still need to treat the plugins as basically a separate process and wrap it to transfer type info and so on. And you can already do that now (just with separate processes).</p> <p>I might be wrong, though.</p></pre>synalx: <pre><p>In theory, it&#39;s possible. In practice it&#39;d probably be too clunky to use effectively.</p></pre>IntellectualReserve: <pre><p>I&#39;ve thought about how cool this would be for zero downtime http servers. You could load new route handlers, and all of the current requests would finish executing under the old handlers while new requests would go through the newly loaded handlers. </p></pre>

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