Question: Converting interface to struct

blov · · 2162 次点击    
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<p>The following code doesn&#39;t convert: <a href=""></a></p> <p>My main objective is to make a lots of structs with similar definitions to use a specific function using the power of interfaces. MyTestStruct.Data can be typed anything including int, string, []string, struct etc.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>rco8786: <pre><p>It looks like you&#39;re trying to fake generics.</p> <p>In general though, you&#39;re trying to cast an anonymous struct with the signature <code>Id int, Data interface</code> to a named struct with the signature <code>Id int, Data []string</code>. I&#39;m not sure why you&#39;d expect that to work.</p></pre>QThellimist: <pre><p>This works <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/> This doesn&#39;t work <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (I changed the type from []string to interface{})</p> <p>Conversion between struct to struct doesn&#39;t work including casting to interface{}. Maybe there is a work around.</p></pre>rco8786: <pre><p>Because you&#39;re casting from interface{} to interface{}. </p></pre>barsonme: <pre><p>It works because they&#39;re all pointers to type <code>T</code></p> <p>In your other example you have two fundamentally different types:</p> <pre><code>type foo struct { A int; B []string } bar := foo{ A: 21, B: []string{&#34;Hello, world!&#34;}, } </code></pre> <p>and</p> <pre><code>baz := struct { A int B interface{} } { A: 21, B: []string{&#34;Hello, world!&#34;}, } </code></pre></pre>QThellimist: <pre><p>True. Is there a work around you can think of?</p></pre>jerf: <pre><p>No. Go is neither covariant nor contravariant. Types are either equal or they aren&#39;t.</p> <p>You have to either take the structs apart and deal with the pieces, or use reflection. Type assertions are only &#34;assertions&#34;, not &#34;coercions&#34; of any kind.</p></pre>

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