Why is Container Management and Orchestration software mostly written in Go?

agolangf · · 574 次点击    
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<p>I was looking at GitHub Repos of CoreOS, Docker and Kubernetes, browsing the code, reading (don&#39;t ask me why I do that, I just like to browse GitHub and read the code and doc, mostly I am wasting time like that, I know) and what I found interesting is that they are all mainly written in Go. </p> <p>My question is why? </p> <p>What is that those programs required that Go gave to them? Is it because of concurrency?</p> <p>If anyone is willing to elaborate, I played with Docker and know basics and how things work... With GoLang, I am familiar, read books, but never got my hands dirty in code, so have that in mind, but please do not spare me the info and in-depth answers. :)</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>denmaradi: <pre><ol> <li><p>Go is easy to write, read and manage.</p></li> <li><p>Primitives for concurrency baked into it.</p></li> <li><p>Go community is big and constantly evolving.</p></li> </ol></pre>antigiven: <pre><p>Docker is written in Go so Docker-related tools will benefit from being able to import Docker&#39;s packages if they&#39;re also written in Go.</p> <p>Also, it&#39;s a good language for concurrency and networking and stuff.</p></pre>alexcesaro: <pre><p>See also: <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/jpetazzo/docker-and-go-why-did-we-decide-to-write-docker-in-go">Docker and Go: why did we decide to write Docker in Go?</a></p></pre>Growlizing: <pre><p>It is pleasant to write, it is pleasant to build/deploy (one binary), it is statically typed (I&#39;m looking at you JS/python), it is quite multi-platform.</p></pre>thockin: <pre><p>The real answer is because other things in the same space are written in go. Nothing brighter or dimmer. Go has critical mass in this space.</p></pre>natefinch: <pre><p>...and Juju. </p> <p>There are many reasons:</p> <p>Go is very portable, so it runs on all the targets you might want to target, without having to worry about runtimes, and being able to cross compile means you don&#39;t need build machines for every platform.</p> <p>Concurrency is important in a lot of those tools, and Go&#39;s support is superior to almost any other major language.</p> <p>Go is fast, which can be important when scaling out your system... you can&#39;t just &#34;add more servers&#34; if your tool is the thing people use to add more servers :)</p> <p>Writing networked services is exactly what Go was built for, so it shouldn&#39;t be surprising that it works well for that job. </p></pre>

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