Bleve search Architecture

polaris · · 1106 次点击    
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<p>HI , What is belve architecture ? Im trying to figur out how bleve store the data , Dose it use replicas shredding nodes ? How to use bleve in a cluster ?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>vruin: <pre><p>I believe you are confused about what bleve is. Bleve it&#39;s not a distributed full text search server solution like eg elasticsearch. Bleve is the full text search <em>library</em> that such solutions use. The equivalent of Lucene in Go.</p> <p>If you want to embed bleve into your distributed app is up to you to implement replication, etc.</p></pre>miko5054: <pre><p>i was thinking of it as ELK equivalent :) Thanks for the clarification </p></pre>hudddb3: <pre><p>I built a standalone search system for logs using bleve. Each bleve index is considered a &#34;shard&#34;. Using multiple bleve &#34;shards&#34; allows the system to maximise disk IO, via parallel indexing operations. It also makes it easy to delete data older than a certain date -- just delete the shard containing the old data.</p> <p>You can check it out at: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>mustafaozguner: <pre><p>this is really cool bro!</p></pre>

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