Weekly 5 minute screencast for Gophers

blov · · 492 次点击    
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<p>I started a screencast that presents a short pattern, library or best practice in a 5 minute screencast once a week. I just posted my first one, and I&#39;d like to hear some feedback. Be kind, as this is my very first foray into screencasting. <a href="https://youtu.be/mk4BCLimksY">https://youtu.be/mk4BCLimksY</a>.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>klauspost: <pre><p>Very nice! Good clear sound. Length is very good as well.</p> <p>The only suggestion I have is to make the &#34;front page&#34; (readme.md) shorter, so it gives a bit more overview. In essence a bit more &#34;powerpointy&#34;, since you kind of lost me shortly at 0:18.</p> <p>There is a couple of short periods, where it is a bit unclear what you are referring to, but I am sure that with a little more exercise you will get these nailed down.</p> <p>Now go plug in your laptop :)</p></pre>arschles: <pre><p>Thanks. Are you referring to making the the <a href="https://github.com/arschles/go-in-5-minutes/blob/master/episode0/README.md#mocking-in-go" rel="nofollow">first section</a> longer? I kinda get what you mean by powerpointy but trying to get all the way there :)</p> <p>I was racing against time <em>and</em> battery charge in that cast!</p></pre>klauspost: <pre><p>No, the length is fine, but put up the main points (and not the complete text). When you are talking, I am trying to read the text at the same time, so I can anchor what you are saying.</p> <p>If instead of <em>all</em> the text, write the main points, then I can use that to anchor what you are saying.</p></pre>arschles: <pre><p>got it. thanks!</p></pre>bytezilla: <pre><p>Sweet! You just got yourself a subscriber! :D</p></pre>BestGreek: <pre><p>Just subscribed looking forward to watching.</p></pre>I_SMOKE_DONGS: <pre><p>I thought this was great. I&#39;m not sure though why you started with tests. I would have gone with the very basics first as the Go in 5 Minutes name sort of implies. But you&#39;ve got lots of content to choose from going forward. I&#39;ll be watching these :)</p></pre>arschles: <pre><p>Thanks. Yea, honestly I&#39;ve been struggling with whether this should be a screencast for Gophers who already have some experience or for earlier Gophers who are just getting started. So right now I&#39;m just doing a variety of topics and not expecting one screencast to follow the preceding one (which I guess is convenient because I want these to be self-contained anyway).</p> <p>Would you benefit from a &#34;basics&#34; episode?</p></pre>I_SMOKE_DONGS: <pre><p>Yeah. Being a weekly show, you&#39;ll have lots of opportunity test what works. I would try to make them approachable to broad levels of skill to appeal to a greater audience. You can also do something like a couple of minutes of basics and close out with more advanced stuff. Again you have lots of content to work with. I&#39;d love to see you do something with design patterns for Go.</p></pre>togamans: <pre><p>Would greatly appreciate content driven more towards &#34;got your feet wet, and the &#39;get started&#39; docs don&#39;t cut it anymore&#34;.</p></pre>arschles: <pre><p>I will certainly add more of that kind of content. If you have any specific ideas, feel free to <a href="https://github.com/arschles/go-in-5-minutes#requests-for-new-screencasts">add an issue on the Github repo</a>. <a href="https://github.com/arschles/go-in-5-minutes/issues/2">Here</a> is one idea that might fit the bill.</p></pre>togamans: <pre><p>Threw my ticket in the bowl. Good luck!</p></pre>open-parenthesis: <pre><p>I think starting with tests is a great idea! There are a lot of resources out there that explains the very basics, but not that many that covers actually best practices. I don&#39;t think I would subscribe if this was 5 minutes explaining the basics. Either way, I am subscribed!</p></pre>

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