<p><a href="https://github.com/b3log/wide">Wide</a> is a Web-based IDE for Teams using Go programming language/Golang. In this version we introduced the followings enhancements:</p>
<li><a href="https://github.com/b3log/wide/issues/231">Cross Compilation</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/b3log/wide/issues/218">Auto refresh file tree when server's files changed</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/b3log/wide/issues/244">Open file bug on Windows</a></li>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>storm14k: <pre><p>I was wondering why more web IDE's weren't using server side auto complete etc. I'll have to check this out.</p></pre>excited_by_typos: <pre><p>The "Pricing" button on your website is broken.</p></pre>sonneiko: <pre><p>I think you really need to switch your Github page to English, including all the commits and issues.
Otherwise it would be very hard to get any help from opensource world :).</p></pre>dmikalova: <pre><p>Not only is it in English, it's one of the best READMEs I have ever seen with pictures and everything.</p></pre>Fwippy: <pre><p>It is in English...? Including the commits and many of the issues.</p>
<p>If some of their users speak Chinese primarily, it makes sense that the issues they'd file would be in Chinese. The open-source world isn't just an English-speaking one - Go in particular has a large base of Chinese developers.</p></pre>
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