CUDA / OpenCL learning sources?

agolangf · 2015-10-05 11:16:07 · 2491 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2015-10-05 11:16:07 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

So I've been trying to find a good book for learning CUDA and OpenCL implementation with Go, or even a PDF, or a video. But all i see to find is the same article for CUDA, which is more of a demonstration, and even worse with OpenCL where nothing is avaliable (at least that I have been able to find..).

Now of course the packages functions are correctly documentated, as usual. But it isn't of much usefulness without a proper guide or introduction to it.

Any sources, if there are any at all, would be much appreciated :smile:



I've never done CUDA in Go (would be surprised if it was worth it) but here's an awesome guide:


Awesome, seems good at a first glance. Thanks for sharing, I will definetly spend some time with it.

Also, still nothing about OpenCL (?). Seems weird to me that no one bothered writing something about it


Not a book, but there is a course on Coursera called Heterogeneous Parallel Programming that covers CUDA.


Will take a look, thanks :)


I've tried to go down this route for a project that was supposed to run on a dozen GPU-heavy machines, but found the community support for CUDA via Go kinda lacking. Basically all of the concerns I had about the right way to work with CUDA were answered by specific examples in official docs, not GitHub Issues for projects. Try the C++ libraries, especially Thrust, it's soooooo much easier ( and more...appropriate?


Oh well, I guess i'm out of luck with Go here. Thanks for the recomendation, i will keep it in mind

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