PoC Go HTTP Botnet

blov · · 697 次点击    
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<p>Before i get started; Please keep an open mind, i did not start working on this a bad intentions. I know i will get down voted, but i am still posting this to show anyone interested.</p> <p>Credits are given and listed on the Github page, I got a lot of help from members of this sub-reddit but was not able to list them all so i make a general link back to here. </p> <p>I just started learning Go a few weeks ago in my spare time, I have coded in VB.net for most of my time and this is my second language i am trying to learn (i know php, python, ect.. but this i want as a main).</p> <p>This is a Open Source project.</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/SaturnsVoid/GoBot">https://github.com/SaturnsVoid/GoBot</a></p> <p>Current Working Features:</p> <ul> <li>Basic Registry and AppData install</li> <li>Base64 Encoding/Decoding</li> <li>Uniqe ID Generation (MD5)</li> <li>Message Box</li> <li>Open Website - Visable</li> <li>Open Website - Hidden</li> <li>Single Instance</li> <li>Ring3 Rootkit (C)</li> <li>Download and Run</li> <li>Open Program</li> <li>Simple to use Control Panel</li> </ul> <p>I may or may not update the project anymore, I want to start learning normal networking like TCP. I hope someone finds this interesting or useful.</p> <p>inb4: Down Vote</p> <p>inb4: <em>Name Calling like you&#39;re 12</em></p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>jamesog: <pre><p>You should run your code through <code>go fmt</code> to get it formatted correctly. You&#39;ve got a lot of odd/mixed indentation and lacking whitespace in certain places (e.g. <code>}else{</code> vs. <code>} else {</code>).</p></pre>SaturnsVoid: <pre><p>Oh, didn&#39;t know Go had that built in! I was writing this on Notepad++ using C for the highlighting.</p></pre>BoTuLoX: <pre><p>I learnt my first bits of programming developing trojans and worms when I was a pre-teen.</p> <p>Can make for some fresh change of air.</p> <p>Also, op can&#39;t inb4.</p></pre>gesis: <pre><p>I have zero practical use for this, but I&#39;m going to read it anyway. You can have my upvote sir. </p></pre>

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