Peer Review, "The Go Programming Language", Pub Date: October 26, 2015

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<p>Hey Go Programming Devs:</p> <p>My name is Brad Yale.</p> <p>Without beating around the bush, I work for Pearson Education on their tech/photography side as a community specialist representing a good portion of their programming (android, iOS, Windows, game dev etc.) &amp; photography (digital, photoshop, lightroom) titles/content.</p> <p>Currently I am looking for interested Go Programmers to peer review Alan A. A. Donovan &amp; Brian W. Kernighan&#39;s &#34;The Go Programming Language&#34; for Amazon.</p> <p>The InformIT product page is here:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>The Amazon product page is here:</p> <p><a href=";qid=1446564160&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=0134190440">;qid=1446564160&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=0134190440</a></p> <p>How the Program Works:</p> <p>I would send the title to you for free (either soft cover or e-pub) and all I would ask in return is:</p> <p>A truthful Amazon review of the title within 45 - 60 days of receipt. A note on reviews: We want the reviews to be honest and comprehensive.</p> <p>If you like the content, cool. If you don&#39;t like the content, also cool. We are looking for honest reviews of content which offers a comprehensive breakdown/critique (ex. this section was great however to make the title better, it could elaborate on...&#34;.</p> <p>The basic idea here is we want the content to stand on its own two feet so consumers can continue learning and authors can produce better versions. In no way shape or form will I, or anyone from Pearson, try to influence your content review.</p> <p>Honesty is what matters.</p> <p>Additionally, I would love the following:</p> <p>Social - Some tweets, G+, Linkedin, Reddit etc. postings on the title of selection with a link pointing back to the title product page</p> <p>Blog - A blog post on the title of selection with a link pointing back to the title product page</p> <p>Book Review Site Post - Think B&amp;N, Goodreads...</p> <p>If this is something you would be interested in, feel free to email me at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Respectfully,</p> <p>Brad Yale <a href=""></a> Community Specialist Pearson Ed/InformIT/Peachpit</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Ekoecho: <pre><p>I&#39;ve already bought the book (currently scheduled to arrive by Friday) but I&#39;ll happily post a review once it turns up and I&#39;ve read it.</p></pre>verbatim2242: <pre><p>Feel free to shoot me an email.</p></pre>nofoo: <pre><p>Same here. Preordered it at the first day it was announced, and currently waiting for amazon germany to ship it</p></pre>janders223: <pre><p>My copy arrives from Amazon today. Once I get through it, I will post an honest review, regardless.</p></pre>jwcrux: <pre><p>Copy will arrive tomorrow - stoked to get it. Same as the others, I&#39;ll happily post a review once I&#39;ve read it.</p></pre>Mittalmailbox: <pre><p>Can i get one. Would love to write a review, sent u an email.</p></pre>SSoreil: <pre><p>Preordered a copy like two weeks ago from a mayor dutch retailer, it will ship this week and I&#39;ll get a chance to read the book 2 weeks from now. A review will be out in like 4 weeks from now. I&#39;m quite excited for this book, I&#39;ll hand it down to a few of my non Go using friends afterwards.</p></pre>JohnTheScout: <pre><p>Sent you an email, I&#39;d definitely be interested.</p></pre>skarlso: <pre><p>Also bought it. It should arrive later in November though only. I shall review it, though I&#39;m just about 4 month into learning go now. :-) </p></pre>_punk_: <pre><p>Nice, I&#39;d be glad to review it </p></pre>sharptierce: <pre><p>sent you an email!</p></pre>theamydance: <pre><p>Hello! Sent an email with the subject line: Go Programming Language Reddit Post.</p> <p>Definitely interested! </p></pre>ricky54326: <pre><p>Just sent you an email. Excited to see this book!</p></pre>nexusbees: <pre><p>I&#39;ll be happy to write a review when Amazon eventually ships the book to me. One question though, is it necessary to request reviews at all? It makes sense for an up and coming author, but Kernighan is one of the biggest names in software. The book would have a ton of reviews up pretty soon I&#39;m guessing.</p></pre>alexwhoizzle: <pre><p>I posted this at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> too to get some more coverage. I will be writing a review once I get the e-book version. </p></pre>verbatim2242: <pre><p>Thanks. Very cool.</p></pre>

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