A package to calculate the rise and set times for the Sun, Moon and twilight

polaris · · 448 次点击    
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<p>I created this package as a learning exercise. I&#39;m really enjoying using Go. For some reason it reminds me of the good old days (late 80&#39;s) when we were programming in Clipper.</p> <p>Code : <a href="https://github.com/exploded/riseset">https://github.com/exploded/riseset</a></p> <p>Demo website: <a href="http://mchugh.space/">http://mchugh.space/</a></p> <p>This is my first time using github, so if anything looks wrong please let me know.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Epolevne: <pre><p>This is cool and makes me want to dig up some of my old code to find tidbits like this. </p> <p>I will note that the package isn&#39;t safe for concurrent use because of the globals. I&#39;m guessing it&#39;s related to the port, but that&#39;s a fundamental difference from QB to Go that would require a slight design change to make it more Go-ish. </p></pre>inanotherworld: <pre><p>Yes you&#39;re right - the original version had 2 Sub Routines (as opposed to functions) that were updating globals. I&#39;ll need to rearrange things a bit to fix that.</p></pre>

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