Presenter tool does use properly 'run' the code. Any ideas why not ?

agolangf · · 469 次点击    
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<p>I installed the presenter tool (go get and downloaded a presentation (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>).</p> <p>If I run the presenter-tool and open this presentation in a browser, the slides show correctly. Including the &#39;run&#39;-button at the bottom of the examples.</p> <p>Problem: If I click the &#39;run&#39;-button for one of the examples there is no result shown ?! It only shows a black window with Run/Kill/Close, but no results. According to the docs on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> this button should work by default. Adding -play=true as param does not solve the problem (if =false the run-button is not shown at all).</p> <p>I searched for this problem but found no references this it. So it seems this normally just works. What do I do wrong ?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mkboudreau: <pre><p>It&#39;s been a while, but if my memory serves me correctly, you may need to set the -orighost to match the external host/ip that the browser is using to access your presentation. I had to do this within my dockerized go present tool. (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)</p></pre>1Gijs: <pre><p>Thank you ! This works:</p> <pre><code>present -orighost=&#34;localhost&#34; </code></pre></pre>1Gijs: <pre><p>Sorry for the unclear title :-( Seems not possible to edit it...</p></pre>

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