Installing godef

blov · · 6774 次点击    
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<p>Hi! I am getting started with go and I have trouble getting godef. The instructions says &#39;go get;, which fails with not being accessible. I found a github mirror on github, but &#39;go get -v; says no buildable Go source files and fails. Could anyone point me into the right direction? I&#39;m getting a bit frustrated because of the awful outdated documentation I&#39;m finding.</p> <p>Thank you.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>xmonk: <pre><p>Right now is down <a href="" rel="nofollow">issue3</a> which is why godef is not being able to build.</p> <p>For the github repo you might want to do: go get -u -v</p> <p>Then just move 9fans out of into and re-try the godef install it should work without issue. ex: mv $GOPATH/src/ $GOPATH/src/</p> <p>That should be all you need to do, no need to change the import path in the godef code.</p></pre>DavsX: <pre><p>Very clever approach, I did not think about that (just recently got to workspaces/projects in the tutorial)</p></pre>: <pre><p>[deleted]</p></pre>DavsX: <pre><p>Thanks, that was partially helpful, I had to download godef and plan9 sources and replace with and build/install manually</p></pre>pursuit92: <pre><p>I&#39;ve noticed the same thing lately. I hopped into irc to see if anyone knew what was up, but got no response :/</p></pre>anacrolix: <pre><p>Maybe it should be called 9fan.</p></pre>

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