Compiled regexs into dictionary

xuanbao · · 473 次点击    
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<p>Sorry if this is not the right subreddit for questions, but I didn&#39;t see anything in the sidebar mentioning so.</p> <p>I have a function with a compiled set of regexs, and I&#39;m running them all against a string and want to return a map which maps the name of the regex to the match it found. I absolutely know how to do this in python, but I&#39;m repeating code in golang and it just looks nasty. I know there has to be a better way.</p> <p>This is exactly what I&#39;d do in Python... compile once, name them, iterate across them and create the dict, then return that dict:</p> <pre><code>import re RE_FOO = re.compile(r&#39;foo: (\w+)&#39;) RE_BAR = re.compile(r&#39;bar: (\w+)&#39;) RE_BAZ = re.compile(r&#39;baz: (\w+)&#39;) SET_RE = { &#39;foo&#39;: RE_FOO, &#39;bar&#39;: RE_BAR, &#39;baz&#39;: RE_BAZ, } def matches_from_regexs(s): matches = {} for name, r in SET_RE.items(): match = r.match(s) matches[name] = if match else None return matches </code></pre> <p>Is there a way just as succinct in golang to do something like this? Right now I&#39;m manually going through each named regex, and doing <code>if len(fooMatch) &gt; 0 { matches[&#34;foo&#34;] = fooMatch[1]</code>. There&#39;s got to be a way to name these and iterate through them.</p> <p>Thanks! Sorry again if this is the wrong place for golang questions.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>weirdasianfaces: <pre><p>Can you post your sample Go code? Your Go code should pretty much match that exact structure. This is what I came up with (it does not add non-matches to the result, but that&#39;s simple): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>d4rch0n: <pre><p>Awesome! Exactly what I was trying to do. Thank you so much for this.</p> <p>What I was mostly having trouble with finding is how to map a string to a regex, but it looks like <code>map[string]*regexp.Regexp</code> is what I was struggling to figure out.</p> <p>I didn&#39;t realize golang was pass-by-value like C (from what I can see in the FAQ), so I see why they&#39;re returning a <code>*regexp.Regexp</code>. I didn&#39;t expect to see pointer notation in a garbage collected language. I thought they&#39;d all be references.</p></pre>froggert: <pre><p>Hmm. I&#39;m mobile right now, so syntax might be off. But, you can access the key and value at the same time in a map using range. Also, <a href="" rel="nofollow">FindString</a> is useful. If you need to distinguish between no match and matching the empty string, you can find with index.</p> <pre><code>for k, v := range myMap { if m := v.Find(s); m != &#34;&#34; { result[k] = m } } </code></pre> <p>Hope that helps!</p></pre>

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