Golang in iOS apps

agolangf · · 603 次点击    
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<p>Are there any notable apps written in Golang? It seems like it would be an interesting endeavor, but the only one I know of is Ivy, which was put out by Google themselves and appears to be a simple calculator (albeit a good one). Would it be worth the hassle to make the attempt or should I just stick to objective-c?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>hcwool: <pre><p>Go (as of 1.5) isn&#39;t really ready to make a fully fledged mobile application. There isn&#39;t even a widely accepted frontend library for it yet! However, game engines specifically are catching up (We&#39;re working on it with <a href="https://github.com/paked/engi" rel="nofollow">engi</a>, <em>&lt;/shameless plug&gt;</em>, <a href="/r/gogamedev" rel="nofollow">and I know there are others!</a>).</p> <p>One of the things I&#39;ve heard people talking about is using Go to write the &#34;application logic&#34; of an application, while using Swift/Objective-C or Java for creating the iOS or Android GUI, respectively. This means you get the benefits of a native looking interface and the DRY principles of a (mostly) shared codebase.</p> <p>edit: That said, the only way we are ever going to be able to develop a mobile application entirely in Go is by... <em>writing mobile applications in Go</em>. If you&#39;re interested I&#39;d give it a shot, I&#39;d suggest avoiding using it at work though...</p></pre>Boomanchu: <pre><p>Apps are more of a side thing for me. I primarily work with OpenStack. I may yet make the attempt with Golang. </p> <p>Interesting, I&#39;ve been flown out to all of the Gophercons since it&#39;s inception and one of the groups I met at this past Gophercon created games successfully using Go. The names escape me, but I&#39;ll double check my files, might be of interest to you. </p> <p>Edit: Unless of course you happen to be one of those people I met!</p></pre>hcwool: <pre><p>Ah. I&#39;ve never had the pleasure of attending a Gophercon.</p> <p>If you happen to remember the name of that game, I&#39;d really love to about it.</p></pre>princeandin: <pre><p>Oooh I&#39;ve been looking for a GUI lib, I&#39;ll definitely check out engi.</p></pre>hundchenkatze: <pre><p>There&#39;s some info on it here</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Mobile" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Mobile</a></p> <p><a href="https://github.com/golang/mobile" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/golang/mobile</a></p> <p>but haven&#39;t attempted it my self yet.</p></pre>adiabatic: <pre><p>An iOS port of <a href="https://syncthing.net/" rel="nofollow">SyncThing</a> would be sweet. It&#39;s <a href="https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/blob/master/LICENSE" rel="nofollow">MPL</a>ed, though, so I don&#39;t know what kind of license issues you might have. I <em>thought</em> it was GPLed, though, so they&#39;ve probably retained copyright assignment for everything.</p></pre>

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