Learn Go Collections

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<p>Learn Go is a beginner&#39;s guide to Go that I&#39;m currently writing with Manning Publications. </p> <p>Over the Christmas break in 2011, I read a Roughcut of David Chisnall&#39;s book on Go. It, like many resources for Go, assumed knowledge of C and a fair bit of programming experience. That was fine by me, but I want to provide a resource for new developers and hobbyists who have only used scripting languages. That&#39;s my goal with Learn Go.</p> <p>Chapter 4 is out now, which covers the collections provided in Go. Use structures, arrays, and maps to navigate the surface of Mars, terraform the solar system, tally up temperatures, and simulate the Game of Life.</p> <p>If you&#39;re new to statically compiled languages or programming in general, I&#39;m really interested to hear feedback on the content and pacing of the book. There are still a few months where I can revise it to improve it for everyone.</p> <p>Now for the good part. After taking a look at the first chapter for free, you use my affiliate link below and then use 39youngman as the coupon code. It&#39;s good for 39% off the ebook or print/ebook combo. Please do share this with your friends who could Learn Go too:</p> <p><a href="http://yng.mn/39youngman" rel="nofollow">http://yng.mn/39youngman</a></p> <p>I&#39;ve really enjoyed Go the past four years, and I hope many people come to learn this wonderful programming language.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>skarlso: <pre><p>Did you do research on your customer base? Is there really a need for yet another Learn Go for a Beginner style of book? I&#39;m really struggling to actually find some good advanced material about Go being used in production environment. And production level architecture and deployment systems and builds with jenkins, or whatever. But <a href="http://tour.golang.org/" rel="nofollow">there</a> <a href="https://gobyexample.com/" rel="nofollow">are</a> <a href="http://dave.cheney.net/resources-for-new-go-programmers" rel="nofollow">many</a> <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Programming-Language-Addison-Wesley-Professional-Computing/dp/0134190440/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1450354113&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=go+programming" rel="nofollow">beginner</a> guides out there already. </p> <p>It&#39;s fine if you want to, I&#39;m just saying, that something a bit more advanced might sell better? Or would be altogether beneficial?</p></pre>nyoungman: <pre><p>There certainly are a number of books introducing the Go language and not that many books for people already experienced with Go that want to do more advanced things.</p> <p>Just a few notes:</p> <ul> <li>I began writing Learn Go before Alan Donovan &amp; Brian Kernighan&#39;s book was announced.</li> <li>I&#39;m aiming for an even more entry level than most books on Go.</li> <li>Though it has only been available for two months in a prerelease form, I have a few hundred readers that are counting on me to finish it.</li> <li>Hopefully I will be able to follow up with other Go books, but that will largely depend on the success of the first one.</li> </ul> <p>As to market research, I certainly did some myself, and the publisher also sent my outline out to a number of people for feedback before deciding to sign me. It was nothing as extensive as one might do when starting a business, but then I&#39;m only betting one year(ish) of my life on it.</p></pre>heptara: <pre><p>Donovan and Kernighan&#39;s book is good. I would suggest making your book sufficiently different that it doesn&#39;t compete. Also I wish you good luck with the project and look forward to seeing it in the Kindle store soon (assuming we still buy books in the next few years and don&#39;t just get some free web guide).</p></pre>nyoungman: <pre><p>I&#39;m aiming to target a different audience, but I do need to give K&amp;D a read to see how well I&#39;m doing.</p> <p>Thanks to both of you, and I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll be hearing more from me in about a month (Chapter 5).</p></pre>skarlso: <pre><p>Certainly good luck from me too! </p></pre>Raton123456: <pre><p>Sounds less likely you have an informed opinion on market needs and more like you have different needs.</p></pre>skarlso: <pre><p>Ofc. My question was around genuine interest rather than being sarcastic. Though it might sound like that. I apologise for that! </p></pre>

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