<li>a complete office suite</li>
<li>a complete 3d fps</li>
<li>a document conversion tool like Pandoc or better?</li>
<p>and what if those worked without modification with GopherJS? :)</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>warmans: <pre><p>what's wrong with apt/yum/etc?</p></pre>lapingvino: <pre><p>Nothing :) I just mean that it would be rad cool to be able to hack on this kind of stuff in Go :).</p></pre>intermernet: <pre><p>These all seem feasible, but each relies on something that doesn't yet exist.</p>
<p>A complete office suite would rely on a cross platform, hopefully pure Go UI library (plus font libraries etc.)</p>
<p>A complete 3d fps would rely on a cross platform UI library, and a cross platform 3D library, and a cross platform physics library etc. etc.</p>
<p>A doc conversion tool is probably the closest to reality as of now, and Go is probably quite a nice language to write one in (Read / Write and Close methods for each document type to satisfy io.Reader, io.Writer and and io.Closer, with the usual caveats of some features being non-translatable to other formats).</p>
<p>In short, your dream is achievable, but not yet :-)</p>
<p>However, the more pertinent answer is that, once these tools are "go-gettable", most users would probably just want to download and install the binaries for their respective platforms :-)</p></pre>lapingvino: <pre><p>The idea is mostly to work towards making these things possible :) I think it's good to have a dream to work towards to :).</p></pre>
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