Trying to make a bot for practice just need to know which packages I need to be using to accomplish this.

polaris · · 496 次点击    
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<p>I just want to make a bot that connects to a mumble server (vo-ip server) and I was wondering which packages I might be needing to be able to create a bot that acts like a user in the chat (this is for administration purposes and learning as I can add functionality to the bot later).</p> <p>Main question in a nutshell, which packages like <code>net</code> or what to be able to fake a connection to a mumble server.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>flexd: <pre><p>Well, you have this package here (found using the search query &#39;golang mumble&#39;), <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>The same repository also links <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> described as &#34;an easy to use framework for writing Mumble bots using Lua&#34;, it is written in Go and allows you to code bots with Lua scripts.</p> <p>If you want to implement everything yourself, I recommend you take a look at how the first package does it.</p></pre>Nekenz: <pre><p>I&#39;ve done a similar bot but in java but the same thing holds. The bot communicates with the server through a normal TCP socket using google protocol buffers. </p> <p>I&#39;d say the only libraries you need is the protocol buffers library and the protocol buffers compiler. take a look at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>izuriel: <pre><p>So, your approaching this problem from the entirely wrong direction. You should not care what packages you will need when you have an idea what your writing yet.</p> <p>Here the approach you should be taking: you want to build a bot that connects to Mumble. So find how a Mumble client connects to Mumble. Most likely your going to need a network connection so that tells you what you need already. Have you looked on the internet of Mumble libraries already exist? Is there one for C if not for Go? If so you can use cgo to leverage that work. Next is your functionality, what do you want the boy to do? The answer to this question will tell you more packages to import. </p> <p>Long story short. Start working on the project now. When you need something that you don&#39;t have find the package that gives that to you. </p></pre>

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