Looking for cool ideas for something to make in Go?

xuanbao · · 604 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;ve done two small projects in Golang so far. I want to make something in go that requires a great deal of processing power, does not require internet connection and solves a cool problem. </p> <p>Ideas I&#39;ve had so far: 1.) Image processing of some kind. 2.) Something to parse large xml files. 3.) Some kind of hash cracking utility.</p> <p>Thanks for your input.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>ggggopher: <pre><p>make app to generate ideas of what apps to make</p></pre>bmurphy1976: <pre><p>Never really had this problem. What do you do everyday? What&#39;s kind of a pain in the ass? Start there. Start scratching that itch and you&#39;ll never run out of new things to do. There&#39;s always a better way to do everything.</p></pre>netscape101: <pre><p>I do pentesting mostly and writing reports for pentests. So there are quite a few things to automate. Thanks for idea.</p></pre>Jamo008: <pre><p>This.</p></pre>dhdfdh: <pre><p>What do you consider a cool idea? Do those.</p></pre>gernest_: <pre><p>How about a simple Markdown Books builder and publishing app?</p> <p>I have just started working on it. The source is <a href="https://github.com/gernest/pablo" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/gernest/pablo</a></p> <p>Im doing it so as to help people in my country have access to books. </p></pre>netscape101: <pre><p>Cool idea, how is this different to ascii doc for example?</p></pre>gernest_: <pre><p>I&#39;m not familiar with ascii doc.</p></pre>netscape101: <pre><p>PM me if you want to. Ascii doc is pretty cool. Look into it.</p></pre>RayoGundead: <pre><p>Make an XSLT processor.</p></pre>foxh8er: <pre><p>I think Image Processing could be interesting. One cool thing that the Golang stdlib has is gif support, you could try something with that. </p> <p>I&#39;d imagine XML parsing could be done much easier via Unmarshal, personally. </p></pre>dotcoder: <pre><ol> <li>Netflow (v5) Collector</li> <li>Caching Proxy Server (a-la Squid)</li> </ol></pre>boarhog: <pre><p>Small commandline games are my personal go idea. Because go makes static binaries, you can compile them once and then discover them 20 years later and still run them (assuming x86 compatible architecture)</p></pre>brightam1: <pre><p>I&#39;ve wanted to make a Morse code interpreter reading from a blinking light source in a video.</p></pre>GoTheFuckToBed: <pre><p>Pick a python/node/rails command line app and port it.</p></pre>therealmoju: <pre><p>Port <a href="https://code.google.com/p/marisa-trie/" rel="nofollow">marisa trie</a> to Go</p></pre>weberc2: <pre><p>I would like a solid cross-platform UI toolkit.</p></pre>thepciet: <pre><p>Software designed to survive and distribute when the internet is 90% nuked.</p></pre>netscape101: <pre><p>Something almost like cjdns?</p></pre>thepciet: <pre><p>Neat, hadn&#39;t seen this yet. Sure, backbone stuff is cool and necessary, but what about robust network applications?</p> <p>Servers as a service are a big thing today, but once that Instagram or Facebook server set gets shut down then it all goes away, plus there is always the government control and man-in-the-middle attack stuff.</p> <p>So my suggestion is a robust distributed network application. We absolutely need a working distributed trust system too (if your three neighbors say incompatible things about this fourth stranger, how do you resolve your opinion of that fourth person?).</p></pre>rajeevrvis: <pre><p>Writing a simple OS in golang will be a cool idea.</p></pre>netscape101: <pre><p><a href="http://gofy.cat-v.org/" rel="nofollow">http://gofy.cat-v.org/</a></p></pre>

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