Go programs hang indefinitely on friend's computer.

blov · · 575 次点击    
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<p>Hello, I&#39;m posting about an Issue I&#39;m currently having. Upon testing my larger program on other&#39;s computers, I&#39;ve found that all go programs, even <a href="https://play.golang.org/p/uHYbRyPaZ_">hello world</a>, will hang indefinitely when opened on one of the computers I&#39;m testing on.</p> <p>The computer is running windows 7 64 bit, I&#39;ve tried compiling(hello world) on the two computers (My laptop &amp; friend&#39;s desktop), both of which produce runnable executable files that run perfectly on any other computer, but hang on the desktop. Running the program creates a process with no window, that sits in the background. The processes appear to be unkillable, as any and all attempts by me to terminate them have failed. The only way I have found to kill them is to restart. Both computers have a fresh install of golang (downloaded separately from eachother). I&#39;m running the latest release (1.5.2), and both computers are 64-bit. Compiling to 64-bit or 32-bit makes no difference.</p> <p>I&#39;m at a complete loss as to where to even begin debugging this issue. If anyone has any thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated.</p> <p>Edit: isxek&#39;s suggestion solved it. The problem was the anti virus. Disabling it allowed all go programs to run as-per normal.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>isxek: <pre><p>Have you tried temporarily disabling the antivirus software on that machine &amp; re-running that &#34;hello world&#34; program?</p></pre>stewi1014: <pre><p>THIS! I can&#39;t believe I didn&#39;t think to disable the anti virus, but doing so let all the programs run flawlessly. Thank you so much.</p></pre>isxek: <pre><p>Good to hear! Have fun.</p></pre>letslaughattheop: <pre><p>!!! time to name and shame.</p> <p>What was the virus app and why is it complete garbage?</p></pre>1Gijs: <pre><blockquote> <p>both of which produce runnable executable files that run perfectly on any other computer, but hang on the desktop</p> </blockquote> <p>So the problem is specific to just this one computer. I would conclude its not a Go program problem. Its just that Go programs that you created do manifest a deeper problem on this computer.</p></pre>stewi1014: <pre><p>I suspect there may be a fair amount of merit to this. However the computer seems to function properly for everything else, it&#39;s just go programs that fail. If I could get it working it would be really great, but it&#39;s not overly important.</p></pre>mtpcmm: <pre><p>What AV was this? Id be interested in what engine/defs were doing this. </p></pre>letslaughattheop: <pre><p>If it&#39;s Trend Micro I&#39;ll flat out die.</p></pre>

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