Ruby, GO and FFi - and I am in trouble! ;( [repost from comments]

blov · · 597 次点击    
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<p>I got really excited about <a href="/u/peterhellberg">/u/peterhellberg</a>&#39;s post and I may have &#39;overcommitted&#39; myself. </p> <p>This week I rewrote a word-tree parser (at least the part that was taking over 60 seconds in ruby for a large project) in go and attached a few methods to the original ruby class. Things work amazingly, except sometimes I receive back from go a string with extra characters (...\&#34;friends\&#34;,\&#34;and\&#34;,\&#34;family\&#34;]]}]@e&amp; \xC8&#34;) - subsequential calls to the same method would randomly return the correct string, and differently formatted incorrect strings. Granted, I can &#39;trim&#39; the string, but that does not solve the problem. I&#39;ve only been experimenting with go for a week now and this is my first experiment with FFi.</p> <p>I&#39;ve been changing the :pointer / :string as argument of the attached method with different ratio of fail / success ... <a href=""></a></p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mortonpe: <pre><p>I am not exactly a CGO expert, but is <em>seems</em> that you are returning a GOstring and not a CString. I would imagine that your output should be converted to a *C.char using C.CString(string). </p> <p><a href=""></a></p></pre>mekdigital: <pre><p>This also makes sense! thanks. </p></pre>funny_falcon: <pre><p>try to explicitely add nul-termination byte to a string.</p></pre>mekdigital: <pre><p>I am really hoping that, with this suggestion, we&#39;ll be able to land that f*ing rocket back on the barge!!! :P</p></pre>

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