Yet another interface to nosql data stores.

agolangf · · 550 次点击    
这是一个分享于 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
<p>Please take a look on <a href="">this package</a> and share your thoughts. I wrote it in spare time trying golang. Maybe such abstraction layer is not needed at all. And maybe the package will be useful in future.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>9eb5: <pre><p>Might help, if you add a few examples to the readme. Right now its not clear what you are trying to achieve. Unified interface for boltdb, mongo and postgresql? How will that work?</p></pre>todysh: <pre><p>Agree need better docs. Added API topic to readme for now.</p></pre>iio7: <pre><p>No need for yet another layer of abstraction.</p></pre>todysh: <pre><p>In fact golang &#34;database/sql&#34; package is also unified interface to SQL data sources. There is no such interface for NoSQL data sources. Such layer is useful to easily change NoSQL database and for testing purposes. Also consider implementation that decorate data store with event sourcing / auditing functions.</p></pre>todysh: <pre><p>IOW &#34;no need&#34; is not absolute, but it depends on the concrete task.</p></pre>

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