Writing a small go social engine

polaris · · 2139 次点击    
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<p>Hey guys, I am trying to write a small social engine which acts like a service. This service can be used by any web app who wants to implement social framework for their app without doing much effort. Do have a look and give your feedback whether coding style is good or not? I am not sure whether my coding style is right for golang, so want to confirm this.</p> <p>Link : <a href="https://github.com/MiteshSharma/go-socialengine" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/MiteshSharma/go-socialengine</a></p> <p>PS: do join me if you like to contribute. </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>marijnfs: <pre><p>Is the idea to make it distributed or regular client server? </p></pre>myth007: <pre><p>As this is a service which do a specific task to handle social framework for any application, we don&#39;t need to make it distributed. We can scale it using horizontal distribution by putting one load balancer in front, but inherently it is not distributed. This is more like client server model, in this case client can be any other server which interact with this service to handle social for its app. Auth is not handled properly in this social engine as this is not his responsibility. Let me know if you have any other doubt or suggestions.</p></pre>

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