Learning go what's a good IDE/Text editor?

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<p>I&#39;m starting to learn go. I&#39;m looking for a good text editor/ide. What do people like to use?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mcvoid1: <pre><p>I like <a href="https://atom.io">atom</a>. </p></pre>therealdrowranger: <pre><p>Atom has come a long way since it&#39;s early drafts. For me, it has replaced sublime.</p></pre>gogolang: <pre><p>It has replaced sublime and LiteIDE for me</p></pre>baldashery: <pre><p>The IntelliJ family of IDEs (IDEA, RubyMine, etc.) have great Go support now. They&#39;ve pushed it out into their main plugin repository so it&#39;s ridiculously easy to install. They don&#39;t have direct support for the vendor extension yet but you can trick it by adding a &#39;src&#39; symlink to ./ inside the vendor subdirectory and then adding that as an additional GOPATH in the project preferences.</p></pre>Decateron: <pre><p>Sublime Text 3 + <a href="https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime">GoSublime</a></p></pre>Destructicorn: <pre><p>Nice I&#39;ll have to check this out. I use sublime for most of my scripting I&#39;ll have to check out this plugin!</p></pre>FogleMonster: <pre><p>Be sure to configure it to use goimports.</p></pre>Midnightblues: <pre><p>Vim works great! vim-go plugin is extremely helpful.</p></pre>DualRearWheels: <pre><p><a href="https://github.com/visualfc/liteide" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/visualfc/liteide</a></p></pre>Destructicorn: <pre><p>Thanks for all the replies. I started using Visual Studio Code with the go plugin. Seems to work pretty well but wanted to see what other people are using.</p></pre>nitasGhost: <pre><p>VS code is a good one. I started with Sublime3.. but VS Code now has debugger support which makes much more attractive than alternatives. </p></pre>ahmetlutfu: <pre><p>Intellij Idea Community Edition.</p></pre>fr4nk3n: <pre><p>neovim + vim-go</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>If you are already using a IDE from JetBrains, you might want to look into that + the Go plugin for IntelliJ platform <a href="https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin#pre-release-builds" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin#pre-release-builds</a> (it also works with Android Studio). Have fun!</p></pre>thewhitetulip: <pre><p>VS code + Go plugin is amazing, you have gofmt|golint|goimports on save, ctrl+P let&#39;s you jump to functions/files without having to scroll down and search functions in some file, go through each file and find the function</p></pre>nstratos: <pre><p>My recommendation would be to stick with an editor (the choice of the editor is not that important), get comfortable with the console and avoid an IDE especially at the start. Go is designed with simplicity in mind and thus a bloated IDE is not needed to write it, especially compared with other languages (*cough* Java *cough*). The reason is that while an IDE is convenient (no doubt about that), if you start with an IDE while learning Go then you will probably develop a need for it and since IDEs are configured to do lots of things for you (like magic), then when the time comes to inspect what has gone truly wrong, you might have a hard time figuring it out.</p> <p>On the other hand, getting comfortable with the console, the simple Go commands and the tooling will give you a better understanding of how things work and will allow you to do a better judgement of what you really need and what you do not. After you get more experience, you can decide if you really want something more complex like an IDE or maybe use some (extra) plugins for your editor to optimize your work.</p> <p>Some inspirational albeit dated videos: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KmHtgtEZ1s">[1]</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCsL89YtqCs">[2]</a>. Notice how Andrew is able to write, build, test and share his code using the go tooling, git and just an editor (no plugins whatsoever). Now I am not saying you shouldn&#39;t use plugins but make sure you know what does what and the commands they use (if any).</p> <p>About specific choices, I have personally tried the following and found that they work pretty well:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://atom.io/">Atom</a> + <a href="https://atom.io/packages/go-plus">go-plus</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.sublimetext.com/">SublimeText</a> + <a href="https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime">GoSublime</a></li> <li>vim + <a href="https://github.com/fatih/vim-go">vim-go</a> + <a href="https://github.com/fatih/dotfiles/blob/master/init.vim">.vimrc example</a> (Better start with an empty one and add things as you gain experience.)</li> </ul></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Your recommendation is counterintuitive imho. If you want to start with a new language then an IDE makes the most sense as it helps you out doing the things that you want to do. And the editors you&#39;ve suggested, while they might be good, when added with all the other functionality from plugins (or .rc files, yaaay!) you get a half-baked IDE. To me a half-baked solution is worst than a proper solution.</p></pre>nstratos: <pre><p>As I&#39;ve mentioned, I personally think that using an IDE when someone starts learning Go creates a need for it and does not allow the developer to learn some internals and tooling of the language. Maybe I didn&#39;t make it clear enough but I believe that it&#39;s best to start as simple as possible, (say a text editor, git and console) and slowly add stuff as experience is gained. (Did you watch the videos I linked?) </p> <p>This will allow the new gopher to develop an in-depth knowledge (and appreciation) of the language and it&#39;s tooling whereas the IDE will hide all that. As the goal of the new gopher is to learn, I believe it&#39;s a clear win for the editor. I could even argue that starting with an IDE is counter-intuitive (Go is not Java). Of course that&#39;s just my opinion and we don&#39;t have to agree.</p></pre>abcded1234234: <pre><p>Emacs has quite good Go support. However learning Emacs and becoming productive in it might take time ;)</p></pre>lapingvino: <pre><p>I use Spacemacs, makes things a lot easier :D</p></pre>jussij: <pre><p>On the Windows platform the <a href="http://zeusedit.com/go.html" rel="nofollow">Zeus IDE</a> works well with Go.</p></pre>beuargh: <pre><p>vim + vim-go. Takes time to learn, but it&#39;s worth it.</p></pre>mobiledevguy5554: <pre><p>I recommend emacs. VIM would be fine too I&#39;m sure, but thats all you really need. Also use &#34;godebug&#34; for debugging. </p></pre>CannedCorn: <pre><p>Learn vim. Bitch!</p></pre>

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