Is Go what I'm looking for?

polaris · · 793 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m preparing to develop a cross-platform mobile app that will store information as expandable trees of headings and sub-headings. I need a simple back-end that will allow an administrator to log in and edit the information. I imagine that the information will be stored in an SQL database and the user&#39;s app will then scrape this database once per day for updates. </p> <p>Could somebody point me in the right direction, I can&#39;t find much information on this.</p> <p>EDIT: Forgot to mention it&#39;s a mobile app.</p> <p>Thanks in advance!</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>huydotnet: <pre><p>What&#39;s the feature of Go that you think will fit your need?</p> <p>If &#34;a simple back-end that will allow an administrator to log in and edit the information&#34; is all what you need. Just go with Ruby on Rails, it has a super fast CRUD generator :D </p></pre>Fulp_Piction: <pre><p>It was suggested in another thread so I came to take a look.</p> <p>Thanks, I&#39;ll check that out. I forgot to mention that it&#39;s a mobile app, does that change things? </p></pre>huydotnet: <pre><p>It&#39;s a mobile app, so you will use Go or something else for the backend API right? So it&#39;s will be ok, Ruby on Rails still keep yourself from writing more code than Go. But Rails has its downside, too many things come along your Rails project. </p> <p>If you still prefer using Go, just look at Gin. There are some good tutorial here:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p></pre>devsquid: <pre><p>Yea it&#39;s a perfect language for &#39;back ends&#39;. There are many great ones, but Go is the one I prefer</p></pre>kavehmz: <pre><p>In general Go is a simple language in design and tooling and fast to learn. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Rob Pike, Simplicity</a> It is highly readable and considerably fast. Overhead of creating a website in Go is not much more than other languages. Its static typing is kinda subtle and won&#39;t be in your way but will help a lot as project grows. Go in general is a very good pick and for some developers pleasing to use.</p></pre>danredux: <pre><p>MySQL HTTP API if it&#39;s really that simply. :)</p></pre>

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