BLog4go 轻量级的日志库

hjweddie · · 998 次点击    
这是一个分享于 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Introduction ======= BLog4go is an efficient logging library written in the [Go]( programming language, providing logging hook, log rotate, filtering and formatting log message. BLog4go 是高性能日志库。创新地使用“边解析边输出”方法进行日志输出,同时支持回调函数、日志淘汰和配置文件。可以解决高并发,调用日志函数频繁的情境下,日志库造成的性能问题。 [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![GoDoc](]( Features ------------------ * *Partially write* to the [bufio.Writer]( as soon as posible while formatting message to improve performance * Support different logging output file for different logging level * Support configure with files in xml format * Configurable logrotate strategy * Call user defined hook in asynchronous mode for every logging action * Adjustable message formatting * Configurable logging behavier when looging *on the fly* without restarting * Suit configuration to the environment when logging start * Try best to get every done in background * File writer can be configured according to given config file * Different output writers * Console writer * File writer * Socket writer Benchmark ------------------ I do some benchmark on a HDD disk comparing amoung fmt,blog4go,seelog,logrus. [Benchmark Code]( ``` BenchmarkBlog4goSingleGoroutine-4 1000000 1087 ns/op BenchmarkBlog4goMultiGoroutine-4 30000 56569 ns/op BenchmarkFmtFormatSingleGoroutine-4 300000 5104 ns/op BenchmarkFmtFormatWithTimecacheSingleGoroutine-4 300000 4256 ns/op BenchmarkFmtFormatWithTimecacheMultiGoroutine-4 3000 509579 ns/op BenchmarkLogrusSingleGoroutine-4 100000 13757 ns/op BenchmarkLogrusWithTimecacheSingleGoroutine-4 100000 12752 ns/op BenchmarkLogrusWithTimecacheMultiGoroutine-4 1000 2049809 ns/op BenchmarkSeelogSingleGoroutine-4 50000 32846 ns/op BenchmarkSeelogMultiGoroutine-4 1000 3191334 ns/op ``` It shows that blog4go can write log very fast, especially in situation with multi goroutines running at the same time~ Examples --------------- Full examples please view [EXAMPLES]( Changelog ------------------ [CHANGELOG](

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