Gopher mascot: Geomyidae or Spermophilus?

polaris · · 390 次点击    
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<p>Silly question and maybe slightly off-topic: Is the Gopher mascot a Geomyidae, as Wikipedia <a href="">suggests</a> or a Spermophilus, as the disambiguation page <a href="">indicates</a>)? (In section &#39;Nature&#39; &gt; first bullet point: &#39;Some species of ground squirrels (tribe Marmotini) of North America, particularly those formerly classified as <a href="">Spermophilus</a>, are informally referred to as &#34;gophers&#34;&#39;)</p> <p>Strictly speaking it would be a Geomyidae by definition, but from the appearance I would rather say it is a Spermophilus. </p> <p>What do you think?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>daveddev: <pre><p>Based on the prominence of the buck teeth and the rounded body shape, it appears to be a gopher, not a ground squirrel. Though I&#39;m only guessing.</p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>Good points. Although for the complete gopher appearance I miss the lower front teeth that are so prominent on the gopher picture in Wikipedia.</p></pre>Testiclese: <pre><p>Finally. Between all the &#34;when do we get generics&#34; and &#34;why is error handling so verbose&#34;, someone is finding time to pose the real questions. </p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>Thank you, thank you. I do what I can to keep the level high.</p> <p>Speaking of generics, when DO we get them? They would make error handling much less verbose!</p></pre>intermernet: <pre><p>Speaking of Buck Teeth, I think you&#39;ve nailed the perfect question to make us Gophers grind them to stubs :-)</p> <p>Well done that man. The perfect &#34;Gopher Troll&#34; (that needs a gif of some sort, but my photoshop skills are terrible, and it&#39;s time for bed.)</p> <p>EDIT: <a href="" rel="nofollow">alright, I didn&#39;t really need to go to bed...</a></p></pre>dankcode: <pre><p>Neither. the golang gopher is actually an (Oryctolagus cuniculus) rabbit named Glenda who had species reassignment after &#34;Plan 9 from User Space&#34; failed to garner wide appeal. She also dyes her hair blue (not her natural color) here&#39;s a picture of her from back in the 90&#39;s: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>OMG, you&#39;re right! The similarity is obvious. How could I have missed this!?</p> <p>I only wonder how she managed to shrink her ears. Perhaps just a side effect of species assignment.</p></pre>

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