Do I need to learn C and C++ before Go?

agolangf · · 503 次点击    
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<p>Do I need to learn C and C++ at least for acquaintance, to be a good programmer (I&#39;m self-taught and know pascal) and write on Go?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>theGeekPirate: <pre><p>Nope</p></pre>izuriel: <pre><p>Do you need to?</p> <p>No. </p> <p>Should you?</p> <p>Not <em>before</em> you learn Go. But yes. The more you become accustomed with other languages and approaches the more value you will see in the approach a language used to solve problems (or problems the language fails to address). You&#39;ll also become a more marketable engineer being able to transition into non-Go positions and such. </p></pre>TUSF: <pre><p>Why would you? Very rarely is there some sort of language pre-requisite to learn another language.</p> <p>I don&#39;t need to learn Latin or German to understand English, for example.</p></pre>lhxtxx: <pre><p>No.</p></pre>Taway011069: <pre><p>Nah. My prior experience was mostly JavaScript (NodeJS). I did a semester of Java and C++ each and never did anything significant in those courses.</p> <p>Start with and the Golang tour. Todd McLeod on the Youtubes is also amazing at explaining go. If you have the money, I definitely recommend his Golang course on Udemy--they usually have coupons.</p> <p>C++ wouldn&#39;t really help you too much with Go.</p> <p>C on the other hand, Go was built with C. You don&#39;t absoultely need to know it but if you did, wouldn&#39;t hurt. </p></pre>helinwang: <pre><p>please dont, learning go only os enough in most of the case imho. save your life on something else :)</p></pre>nyoungman: <pre><p>Nope. Some articles and resources may make more sense if you are familiar with C (not C++), but it&#39;s not required. There are more resources becoming available by and for people coming from other languages.</p></pre>sacado: <pre><p>Probably not, although understanding pointers, structs (and their pass-by-copy nature) and slices (more precisely, the way <code>append</code> does work) is <em>much</em> easier when you know C. But you know Pascal, so this should not be a problem for you.</p></pre>blowf1sh: <pre><p>You should definitely learn at least C and all the crap around it (autotools, pkg-config,make and co).It can give you a serious edge against developers who don&#39;t know all that.</p></pre>THUNDERGROOVE: <pre><p>I did it the other way around. Learning Go before C helped my understand C better when I got around to it m</p></pre>hansdr: <pre><p>No, you can go ahead and learn Go first. </p> <p>I&#39;ve written a lot of code in both C and C++. While Go definitely has some similarities in terms of syntax, there are things that are done differently that will catch you out. You kind of have to unlearn a few things from C/C++. For example, switch cases look identical, but they do NOT fall-through by default in Go like they do in C/C++. That&#39;ll catch you out. Likewise, Go&#39;s interfaces require different thinking to OOP using classes. </p> <p>Oh, and learning C/C++ makes you want to stick a semicolon at the end of everything. </p></pre>bytebreaker: <pre><p>Actually not. But with C experience you can get good vision about what&#39;s going on behind the scene.</p></pre>

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