Will there ever be something like Rails for Go?

polaris · · 948 次点击    
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<p>Or would this totally go against Golang&#39;s philosophy? I&#39;m still working on groking Go and some articles I&#39;ve read have been adamant about the fact that Go&#39;s methodology is anti-&#34;magic&#34;.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>_medved_: <pre><p>There&#39;s already revel. Very similar to rails.</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/revel/revel" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/revel/revel</a></p></pre>RIC_FLAIR-WOOO: <pre><p>Beego works very well, though I skipped the ORM for using sqlx. You probably aren&#39;t ever going to get something like ActiveRecord in Go.</p></pre>Bromlife: <pre><p>Stuff like that exists already. There&#39;s gorm, for example.</p> <p>But I don&#39;t think they&#39;ll get a lot of traction in the long run. For the magic you gain you lose the inherent speed that Go provides. You may as well stick with a dynamic language in that case.</p></pre>thoughtquery: <pre><p>How bad is the performance loss?</p></pre>Bromlife: <pre><p>Don&#39;t know. I investigated them when I first started coding in Go. The community turned me off the idea and now I&#39;m happy with Sqlx.</p></pre>Streamweaver66: <pre><p>Depending on what you mean by like rails, we may or may not even need it. That said BeeGo and Revel are go to MVC(ish) frameworks. Revel is billed as a &#34;roll your own ORM&#34; and you have to write your own transnational handling. I don&#39;t feel like we have a good option in Go right now in general. </p></pre>emadera52: <pre><p>Another satisfied Beego user. It doesn&#39;t do <em>everything</em> Rails does, but it does most of what you need. The big difference is the learning curve. Compared Beego, the Rails learning curve is a mountain. To be fair I only made it about 2/3 of the way up before saying &#34;Screw it, this can&#39;t be the best way to do build a web site.&#34;</p> <p>Compared to Beego, Revel tends to rely on magic a lot more. Once you have a good grasp of Go, you&#39;re well on your way to understanding and effectively using Beego. You&#39;ll need to take more on faith when using Revel.</p></pre>Raiyni: <pre><p>Beego is basically RoR but is slow as hell. </p></pre>Bromlife: <pre><p>My simple rule is if it uses reflection, it&#39;s probably not the best solution. </p></pre>tieubao: <pre><p>Our team use beego for some long run projects. Why do you say that?</p></pre>Raiyni: <pre><p>Because it is. <a href="https://github.com/julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark</a></p></pre>

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