Minimal Web Framework for Golang

agolangf · · 490 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m looking for testers to try this new framework I wrote. I started learning go about 2 months ago. The results of all that learning is this small MVC for go. I would like to know what other codes think of it. I do not know anyone that knows anything about coding golang and that&#39;s why I&#39;m posting here. It would be nice to get some feedback so I know if I&#39;m on the right track or not. Anyone interested can get the code on github at &#34;unodan/gobase&#34;, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mixedCase_: <pre><p>The standard library is the &#34;minimal web framework&#34; for Go. If you want more than that you want something like negroni+gorilla or gin.</p> <p>Please don&#39;t take this the wrong way, but web frameworks are something that has been done to death in Go. I&#39;m pretty sure there&#39;s at least a new one every week, and they&#39;re all pretty much identical.</p> <p>If you want a project to learn more about Go and push the boundaries a bit from the usual, why don&#39;t you try making a desktop application with a GUI? Personally, I&#39;ve never seen one posted here on this sub :)</p></pre>dasacc22: <pre><p>Well, I listed it as mobile but it does run on Linux desktop, probably OSX as well :) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>mixedCase_: <pre><p>Nice! Hope to see material released!</p></pre>danhuckson: <pre><p>I know it&#39;s been done before, that&#39;s not what this post is about. Please understand that I&#39;m new to go and my goal with this post was to get feedback from people. The feedback I&#39;m looking for is not what the best program to write, I&#39;m looking for feedback on style and the quality of my coding. I would like to know things like, is the code easy to understand, any problems with my methods, better ways to do things, etc. </p></pre>quiI: <pre><blockquote> <p>Minimal Web Framework for Golang</p> </blockquote> <p>/me goes to github</p> <blockquote> <p>An advanced web application template framework for go</p> </blockquote> <p>Pick one :p </p></pre>MatthiasLuft: <pre><p>reddit is a rude place. A thread called &#34;beginner looking for feedback&#34; wouldn&#39;t have been shot down. </p></pre>hansdr: <pre><p>I recommend inserting the list of features/benefits into your framework&#39;s readme. When searching for a web framework, the first few questions that I have for each framework that I see are: Q1) What can this web framework do for me? Q2) How easy/hard is it to use?</p> <p>Your readme needs to be able to answer at least Q1 at a glance.</p></pre>seufert: <pre><p>From what i see:</p> <ul> <li>That is not web framework, more a CMS: You present fixed-structured pages.</li> <li>I failed to see any MVC</li> <li>Do a README describing the ideas</li> <li>Don&#39;t name your sql.DB con (it&#39;s not a connection)</li> <li>Don&#39;t register Routes using a YAML file (we are not Ruby)</li> </ul></pre>danhuckson: <pre><p>Thank you for your feedback, I have edited the code to not use the YAML file for routes and renamed the &#34;con for connection&#34; to &#34;hdl for handler&#34;. I will get to the documentation once I have a stable base that not going to change. If there is anything else you or anyone else notices please let me know, I like to do things the correct way. </p></pre>

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