Searching for Go resources

agolangf · · 483 次点击    
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<p>I can&#39;t be alone in thinking that this language has perhaps one of the single worst names imaginable when it comes to searching (ironic, Google). What terms are you all using? Golang? Google Go? Something I&#39;m not aware of? Or do you use &#34;Go&#34; and try to add enough context in the search to make the thing figure itself out?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>bradleyfalzon: <pre><p>Almost always golang when searching Google.</p> <p>I assumed Google have some form of substitution for Golang and Go when blogs only refer to Go. But the search results page doesn&#39;t bold Go like it does Golang, like it does for other substitutions, so I&#39;m not so sure.</p> <p>If you&#39;re looking for a worst example, I think R must be right up there due to it smaller length and likelyhood full text indexers don&#39;t index it at all.</p></pre>Davmuz: <pre><p>&#34;golang&#34;</p></pre>hansdr: <pre><p>Yes, &#34;Go&#34; is such a generic term that it makes finding Go language resources almost impossible. That&#39;s why everyone (so far, at least) searches using &#34;golang&#34; instead. </p> <p>So, if you write an article about Go, then make sure that you include &#34;golang&#34; in it somewhere, so that we can find it.</p></pre>CaffeineComa: <pre><p>I search on &#34;golang&#34;. When I produce content I try to write &#34;golang&#34; at least once, and thereafter simply say &#34;go&#34;. I do appreciate the simple 2-letter word when using it on the command line, but yeah, it was kind of dumb. On the other hand, search engine tech just gets better and better.</p></pre>

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