Why is Go doing so poorly in the Tiobe index?

xuanbao · · 493 次点击    
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<p>just now when i see tiboe index for april? go is not even in top 20? wu , why? from some former answer:</p> <ol> <li><p>Go isn&#39;t the latest things, IIRC tiobe is based on what the search engines are saying... i.e. the latest new thing gets closer to the top</p></li> <li><p>Go isn&#39;t like many other languages where you can&#39;t go without a search engine on the ready. This is due to the high quality of the docs, the fact that there are dedicated services out there for documentation on packages both std and third part, so people are more like to just use those as opposed to a search engine and let&#39;s not forget godoc</p></li> </ol> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>seufert: <pre><ol> <li>Because the whole ranking is bullshit itself.</li> <li>&#34;Go&#34; itself is bad bad term to search for (they are based on Search results, see <a href="http://www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index?page=programminglanguages_definition" rel="nofollow">http://www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index?page=programminglanguages_definition</a>).</li> </ol></pre>kardianos: <pre><p>I&#39;ve written c# and SQL longer then Go, but do many times more searches for those then go. Why? I know the full go spec because it is small and for libraries I use godoc.org, rarely do I use a search engine. My behavior will hilight non-go languages depite most of my time is in go. I&#39;m very good at other langs too, they and their libraries tend to have many more corner cases.</p></pre>mcouturier: <pre><p>I don&#39;t even go online :P</p> <pre><code>godoc -http=:6060 </code></pre></pre>quiI: <pre><p>I think it has more to do with the relative stability of the language</p> <p>Tutorials from 2 years ago are still relevant and correct today, unlike a lot of other languages. So there&#39;s a little less to write about maybe.</p></pre>YEPHENAS: <pre><p>They only count the search results for</p> <p>1) &#34;Golang programming&#34;</p> <p>2) &#34;Go programming&#34; if it&#39;s associated with the word &#34;Google&#34;</p> <p>See: <a href="http://www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index?page=programminglanguages_definition" rel="nofollow">http://www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index?page=programminglanguages_definition</a></p></pre>jussij: <pre><p>I don&#39;t understand why anyone pays attention to the Tiobe index. </p> <p>Every time I look at their list it seems like they just pulled numbers randomly out of a hat.</p> <p>Lets just take a few sample points from their list. </p> <p>They claim PureBasic is more popular than Go. What the hell is PureBasic?</p> <p>And what is this <em>Assembly Language</em> programming language that seems to be racing up the charts and is now 12 with the bullet?</p> <p>Is this some sort of magical, universal, super assembler language that runs on each and every CPUs past, present and future?</p> <p>That definitely sounds like something worth learning.</p> <p>IMHO their list reads as rubbish.</p></pre>isxek: <pre><p>Not surprised. Here&#39;s a look at how many new questions about Go come up on StackOverflow, compared to other languages (that I am interested in) after approximately a day&#39;s worth or so:</p> <p><a href="http://i.imgur.com/bjQRxRw.png" rel="nofollow">http://i.imgur.com/bjQRxRw.png</a></p> <p>That comes from RSS feeds based on each particular tag. It may or may not be entirely accurate, as not every user on SO tags questions correctly, but I thought it&#39;s a good enough indicator.</p></pre>H3g3m0n: <pre><p>No sure that&#39;s any better of an indication as it only measures people looking for answers. Doesn&#39;t indicate actual usage. And harder languages will have a disproportionate number of questions.</p></pre>mm256: <pre><p>These are alternative language rankings: </p> <p><a href="http://spectrum.ieee.org/static/interactive-the-top-programming-languages-2015" rel="nofollow">ieee</a></p> <p><a href="http://pypl.github.io/PYPL.html" rel="nofollow">PYPL</a></p> <p><a href="http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2016/02/19/language-rankings-1-16/" rel="nofollow">RedMonk</a></p></pre>vorg: <pre><p>Maybe the backers of Go can&#39;t be bothered gaming the TIOBE index, and would prefer to spend their time improving the product.</p> <p>I always use Godoc nowadays because it combines the go standard library packages with my own in the same listing. Programming language backers that target TIOBE try to direct as much as they can through their own website, and so don&#39;t offer usable downloadable documentation. One such outfit changed the width of all the example code in the downloadable version of their doco from 80 to 40, thus causing more people to search for doco online.</p></pre>anacrolix: <pre><p>By making it compile slower and not adding generics? Donno.</p></pre>tadvi: <pre><p>Tiobe index is not accurate. I would go with RedMonk ratings. </p> <p>I am not sure how programming competitions reflect popularity of the language. There is one from Google Code Jam 2016: <a href="https://www.go-hero.net/jam/16/round/0" rel="nofollow">https://www.go-hero.net/jam/16/round/0</a></p> <p>Based on it looks like C++/Java/Python is way ahead and Go is close to Scala, and has a long way to go.</p></pre>CaffeineComa: <pre><p>This might help you feel better: <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2015#tech-super" rel="nofollow">http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2015#tech-super</a></p></pre>

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