How do gophers prefer to deal with non-go files during deployment?

agolangf · · 398 次点击    
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<ul> <li>Do you use docker?</li> <li>Do you upload/update them manually?</li> <li>Do you include them in the binary and if yes how?</li> <li>Some other way? (please describe)</li> </ul> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Sphax: <pre><p>I deploy either deb packages at work or docker images. If you don&#39;t have a ton of data then I think embedding is fine.</p></pre>UnknownTed: <pre><ol> <li>only for companies</li> <li>yes</li> <li>yes, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> <li>you could host a zip file and (download -&gt; unzip) it before initiating your server or you can unzip it after initiating the server with a virtual filesystem (the same way that fileb0x does) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, so you can write files like you would normally do but in the memory instead</li> </ol></pre>donatj: <pre><p>I&#39;ve used go-bindata a few times, it does the job of embedding things well enough. I wish there was an official method in the language.</p></pre>prvst: <pre><p>go-bindata also works for me, from simple text files to third-party binaries</p></pre>buckhx: <pre><p>If it&#39;s just a bit of config I use a go:generate and a script</p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p>For item #2 (manual upload) I currently use git push and a git post-receive hook on the server.</p> <p>For any larger project I would certainly consider docker. (Disclaimer: I have no production-level experience with any of the container ecosystems. I once deployed a Caddy container to RancherOS on Vultr but that was my only serious Docker test so far.)</p></pre>mgutz: <pre><p>App reads an environment variable for assets dir and reads file relative to it. This provides flexibility across our test, staging and production environments.</p> <pre><code>ASSETS_DIR=/opt/public ourapp </code></pre> <p>We simply tar all assets and use scp. That is all automated with ansible.</p></pre>

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