GAM - Go Actor Model gets networking support

agolangf · · 921 次点击    
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<p>A while ago, I wrote here about GAM, Go Actor Model, my toy project for learning Go. It has since gained some attention so I&#39;ve added networking support too.</p> <p>The result was pretty nice, we can now pass 600 000+ messages using only two remote actors. While still preserving message order.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>To compare with other actor frameworks: JVM Akka does around 5-10 000 messages per sec using Akka.Remote. Akka.NET does less than Akka currently, but around 100 000 messages per sec using the new experimental v 1.5 transport. Project Orleans do more than 100 000+, but AFAIK no message order.</p> <p>Number tossing is of course pointless really, but big numbers are still fun.</p> <p>Would there any interest for a more complete/polished version of this?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>tmornini: <pre><p>I&#39;ll check this out later, starred and followed.</p> <p>Assuming there&#39;s an async mailbox/queue between the actors, I&#39;d love to implement a pluggable system to allow for message brokers in between...</p></pre>rogeralsing: <pre><p>Yes there is, actors can be configured using Props (much like Akka). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> pid := actor.Spawn(Props(NewMyActor).WithMailbox(MyMailboxProducer)) So it should be fairly easy to create a persistent mailbox</p></pre>tmornini: <pre><p>Nice!</p></pre>rogeralsing: <pre><p>Replacing the mailbox queues for lock free structures increased the remote throughput to 800 000+ :-)</p></pre>rogeralsing: <pre><p>Distributed channels example <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>jfurmankiewicz: <pre><p>Looks very promising, I encourage you to make it happen.</p></pre>lastrites17: <pre><p>Continue to be impressed! I really appreciate the idea that all the time I spent learning about the actor model isn&#39;t wasted now that I mostly code in Go.</p></pre>tclineks: <pre><p>while not in the spirit of csp this looks like a pretty interesting project and uses go idioms well.</p></pre>rogeralsing: <pre><p>I&#39;ve added a chat server/client example that shows how to connect multiple clients to a shared server. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>

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