GoSublime 9o multiple commands in build_command?

agolangf · 2016-05-04 20:40:22 · 1400 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2016-05-04 20:40:22 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

I'm trying to use multiple commands in my build_command setting, but it doesn't appear to be working:

"build_command": ["reset && go run $_fn"],
"build_command": ["reset" "go run $_fn"],

Has anybody else tried this?



I'm not sure how sublime does its execution, but you may need to have a shell open to run multiple things like that. Try adding the commands into a script and running that script as your build command.


from the default settings' comments, it looks like you'd need to quote-and-comma separate each arg; something more like ["reset", "&&", "go", "run", "$_fn"]:

// what 9o command to run when (super or )ctrl+dot,ctrl+b us pressed
// e.g. ["go", "build"]
// the 9o command ^1 recalls the last command you ran manually
// see 9o help(ctrl+9 "help") for more details about what commands are supported
"build_command": ["^1"],

9o.md doesn't list anything about supporting && or reset though, so not sure if even that'll work.

You might need to make your own build system, eg. mine is:

    "cmd": "go run $file",
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.go",
    "shell": "true",
    "variants": [
        {"name": "Go Test", "cmd": "go test $file"},
        {"name": "Go Build", "cmd": "go build $file"}

the cmd arguments there should support anything your OS' default shell does.

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