Visual Studio-style debugger / profiler for golang?

polaris · · 1272 次点击    
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<p>In Java/C++/C#, debuggers that come with fancy IDEs such as Visual Studio enable you to do a lot of amazing stuff: sprinkle breaking points all over the code, browse the address space and variable values during the execution and so on.</p> <p>How to do these things in go? What tools can one use?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>mdwhatcott: <pre><p><a href="">This blog post</a> introduces <a href="">godebug</a>, which seems promising.</p></pre>SupersonicSpitfire: <pre><p>Relevant: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>pseudomind: <pre><p>You may test out go-ide. IIRC it was super annoying to set up and use on OSX but, worked quite well on linux.</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>space-llama: <pre><p>I&#39;ve gotten the most mileage from just having the vim-go plugin for vim. With the suggested key remappings I can jump deep into the code base very quickly. If you install Oracle you can also do some analysis like what things implement an interface and callers of a specific function. It&#39;s not a &#34;fancy IDE&#34; but it has almost all of the same capabilities. I mainly like being able to run go test on the test I&#39;m currently writing and see a little pop up with the errors, if there are any. </p> <p>Debugging a running program has become a little harder over the years. Delve is probably one of the better projects right now, though it has some odd bugs and behaviors. I used to use GDB but apparently it&#39;s development has halted in favor lldb, which doesn&#39;t seem to want to use the Go runtime debugging file that comes with Go. It&#39;s worth fiddling with some more since it&#39;s the most control you can have over your process without having to use a third party lib like godebugger (which is very new).</p> <p>If you find anything that works well, please write back. I&#39;m very interested in exploring proper debugging more. </p></pre>jerflang: <pre><p>have you tried godebug? </p></pre>staysafenerds: <pre><p>komodo ide</p> <p>jetbrains go plugin</p> <p>liteide or whatever its called?</p></pre>dilatedmind: <pre><p>if youre not using vim i think liteide is the best.</p></pre>

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