GoAws - SNS/SQS Simulator for local environments is now in Beta.

blov · · 559 次点击    
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<p>The GoAws tool which simulated a local version (all in memory) of the AWS SQS and SNS systems has been placed in beta. Visit the repo to get your copy and give it a try or you can pull the docker image (docker pull pafortin/gooaws) from docker hub.</p> <p>The current status is that 95% of the functionality of there to read/ write to topics and queues. There is no authnetication performed and at the present there is a limited capability to set/get attributes on both queues and topics. Dead-Letter Queues are also not supported for now. </p> <p>Please download the repo, docker image and give it a try... Play with it, Open issues and I will be more than happy to fix problems and take in new requirements as they are reported. Comments on how to improve the code is also very very appreciated.</p> <p>Happy Queueing!!</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/p4tin/GoAws">https://github.com/p4tin/GoAws</a></p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>divan0: <pre><p>Thanks for the project. I&#39;m trying to use it with goamz library, and it fails because of some differences in GET/POST requests. I wonder whether it&#39;s problem of goamz or goaws.</p> <p>To be precise, goamz talks to SQS with GET queries in format of &#34;GET /queue/name?AWSAccessKey...&#34;, but aws command line client uses POST in form of &#34;POST /&#34;. The second one works with goaws, whether first one (GET /queue/name) returns 404.</p> <p>I would love if someone could explain why there is this difference exists in a first place(GET vs POST, / vs /queue/name). Is it some legacy, or different versions, or something else?</p> <p>Looking forward to use goamz and goaws together!</p></pre>pafortin: <pre><p>I had the same problem yesterday with boto(python) and I made some changes... Perhaps you can clone the repo and try to build locally and see if that helps.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>You must add a license to it else nobody can use your code. Also by looking at some of the files the imports are out of order. Please run gofmt on your whole package and subpackages.</p></pre>pafortin: <pre><p>I will do that - appreciate the comments thanks!</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>Happy I could help. I know it&#39;s not the most pleasant part of developing things but it has to be done. Good luck with finishing this, looks promising. Thank you for your efforts.</p></pre>pafortin: <pre><p>done!</p></pre>

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