I really want to learn Go to hopefully contribute to a project I really like. I have barely a programming background. Someone I talked to suggested I learn Go. So far it didn't seem easy as he said it was. Python is way easier.

polaris · · 630 次点击    
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<p>Could I use Python as a first step before learning Go? They probably are more or less very different languages so I might or might not consider Python as bridge to learn Go later on? </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>weberc2: <pre><p>Python is more permissive, but that mostly just means it&#39;s easier to write incorrect programs. Disclosure: I&#39;m a Python developer by day.</p></pre>cauliflower_pussay: <pre><p>AFAIK Go is something that especially C and C++ devs use to make their works a lot easier. Perhaps learning C and/or C++ might be a better bridge towards learning Go than Python? Since C and C++ are more closely related to Go than Python? I have a few more experiences with other languages, but all of my programming experiences are just basic level.</p></pre>tmornini: <pre><p>Neither C nor C++ are easier to learn than Go.</p> <p>Languages are dime-a-dozen, good programmers can and will use many in their careers.</p> <p>Whatever helps OP learn to program is what OP should be using...</p></pre>cauliflower_pussay: <pre><p>OO?</p></pre>tmornini: <pre><p>Thanks, fixed.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>My recommendation, first learn something about algorithms and the general programming concepts. Then you could try to dive into Go fairly easy. In case you run into trouble, you can always ask for help here or on Slack where there&#39;s even a dedicated channel for people who are new to the language: <a href="https://gophers.slack.com/archives/golang-newbies" rel="nofollow">https://gophers.slack.com/archives/golang-newbies</a> (you can get the invite from here: <a href="https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/" rel="nofollow">https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/</a> ) The idea behind learning the concepts behind programming without a specific language in mind is that then you can pick up a language fairly fast, algorithmic thinking instead requires a bit more time to develop and train but it pays off infinitely more on the long run. Also most of the books about algorithms and beginners to programming are going to help you out.</p> <p>There are also a lot of courses on Coursera / Udacity / etc to help you out if you are a visual learner and it helps you more that way.</p> <p>Finally to answer the Python vs C question. Go with Python as it&#39;s an easier language to write code first. Unfortunately I can&#39;t recommend you too much there but there are a bunch of tutorials on the Internet (and JetBrains has an educational plugin as well afaik for their Python IDE - PyCharm, which is also free as PyCharm Community / Educational).</p> <p>Hope it helps.</p></pre>cauliflower_pussay: <pre><p>Hey thanks a lot! Lots of useful info there! </p></pre>justinisrael: <pre><p>I too have written Python for most of my career. Only in the last 3ish years have I been writting Go, and the last 1.5 been writing C++ While it may be easier to initially write Python, it does have more &#34;language&#34; to learn than Go. Also, because it is dynamic, you wont get the nice compile time checks of a static language like Go. I work with a bunch of Python devs and I have ready heard a few that have started working in Go praise the benefit of the compiler checks and the simplicity of the language. </p></pre>

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