<p>For tonight's Golang Vienna meetup the slide deck titled:</p>
<p><a href="http://slideshow-s9.github.io/demos/gohugo.html" rel="nofollow">Build Static (Web)sites w/ Hugo and Go Templates</a>" in HTML (use space to flip through or use the t-key to toggle) or see the <a href="https://github.com/geraldb/talks/blob/master/gohugo.md" rel="nofollow">all-in-one-page source</a> in Markdown</p>
<p>The agenda reads:</p>
<li>Hello, Hugo!</li>
<li>Hugo Stay Static Sample Site - Posts, Pages, Datafiles</li>
<li>Markdown Madness - Markdown Extensions n Goodies</li>
<li>HTML Template Options in Go</li>
<li>Demo - Go Live - Free (Static) Site Hosting Options</li>
<li>Why Static?</li>
<li>Best of "Both Worlds"</li>
<li>Thanks - Stay Static</li>
<p>Questions, comments welcome. What are you using Hugo for? Blog, Project Sites, Books, etc. Let us know. </p>
<p>Go Hugo! Go Nuts! Cheers. </p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>earthboundkid: <pre><p>The ability to use Go 1.6 blocks in the new version of Hugo makes the template language 1000x better. Having to do the same <code><html></code> boilerplate and partials because of the lack of template extensions was a pain.</p></pre>mgutz: <pre><p>Wordpress and the others can cache a page for you without having to hit the database (except on the first hit). If you can setup and deploy Hugo you can optimize a platfform like Wordpress. A $5/mo hosted site can and has served tens of thousands of pages with caching configured properly. The speed of Hugo becomes a wash when pages are deployed.</p>
<p>With that said, I prefer static site generators because I'm a coder and prefer version control. I don't recommend generator to friends because I don't want to be their customer support.</p></pre>GoTheFuckToBed: <pre><p><a href="http://slideshow-s9.github.io/demos/gohugo.html#25" rel="nofollow">http://slideshow-s9.github.io/demos/gohugo.html#25</a></p>
<p>The figure shortcode is very opinionated. How about just using markdown inside the caption?</p></pre>geraldbauer: <pre><p>Good point. The figure shortcode is just an example (copied from the Go Hugo Docu) - showing that you can use more than just (simple) parameters in a shortcode e.g. if/else etc.</p></pre>
Build Static (Web)sites w/ Hugo and Go Templates (Slide Deck) - Golang Vienna Meetup
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