Annoy /r/golang in one sentence.

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<p>Doesn&#39;t have to be your opinion, but it has to be something that would get a whole bunch of people riled up.</p> <p>Stolen from <a href="" rel="nofollow">/r/java</a>.</p> <p>See also: <a href="" rel="nofollow">/r/annoyinonesentence</a>.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>overcyn2: <pre><p>Go ignores 40 years of programming language research.</p></pre>detectivepayne: <pre><p>You got it wrong. Go is the final language after 40 years of research. </p></pre>Decateron: <pre><p>I hope not.</p></pre>FullBetaReduction: <pre><p>lol so true, the fact that it does</p></pre>Uncaffeinated: <pre><p>It&#39;s more like 20-30 years, unless you count Smalltalk. </p></pre>bonekeeper: <pre><p>Generics.</p></pre>kron4eg: <pre><p>Dependency management </p></pre>bigdubs: <pre><p>You really don&#39;t need a complete sentence, just this one word. Maybe add a &#34;should&#34; in there somewhere so people can blow up at you for having a suggestion.</p> <blockquote> <p>Golang should have generics.</p> </blockquote></pre>thesnowmancometh: <pre><p>Go is Object Oriented.</p></pre>TRAPFLAG_8: <pre><p>Go is only popular because google backs it, if D had that kind of money behind it, nobody would use Go.</p></pre>FullBetaReduction: <pre><p>no one users D either way</p></pre>thesnowmancometh: <pre><p>Go isn&#39;t Object Oriented.</p></pre>sinatosk: <pre><p>but you just...</p></pre>boomshroom: <pre><p>It has garbage collection meaning it can&#39;t be used for low level system utilities, kernels, games, or anything else.</p> <p>I have personally disproved the second. ;)</p></pre>Jalaska13: <pre><p>You wrote a kernel in Go? Cool! Link?</p></pre>boomshroom: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>That project is being put on hold, and might be replaced all together, as I&#39;m working on making one that&#39;s cross platform and has a generally cleaner structure.</p></pre>__CAFxX: <pre><p>&#34;tldr: It&#39;s fun, but not worth it&#34;</p></pre>boomshroom: <pre><p>The README is taken completely from the original creator and I&#39;ve been too lazy to update it. I am taking it (somewhat) seriously.</p></pre>misterlight: <pre><p>The name &#34;Go&#34; makes searching in Google difficult</p></pre>TehVulpez: <pre><p>&#34;Go isn&#39;t as big and popular as some other languages, so it doesn&#39;t matter.&#34;</p></pre>matttproud: <pre><p>ANN: Dependency Injection/IOC Framework.</p></pre>captain_hoo_lee_fuk: <pre><p>Rust is better.</p></pre>hi_im_nate: <pre><p>You speak the true true </p></pre>Iamaleafinthewind: <pre><p>&#34;We here at Google have decided to discontinue development on Go and put all our resources into improving PHP.&#34;</p> <p>(no I don&#39;t work for Google, but if they said that, I think it would be annoying.)</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p>GoLang</p></pre>ijustwantaredditacct: <pre><p>I don&#39;t use gofmt.</p></pre>drjokepu: <pre><p>The lack of ternary and postfix increment operators makes me feel like I&#39;m working with a language from the &#39;80s.</p></pre>hahainternet: <pre><blockquote> <p>postfix increment</p> </blockquote> <p>prefix</p></pre>drjokepu: <pre><p>C++ developer detected ;)</p></pre>boomshroom: <pre><p>Last I checked, &#34;C++&#34; was a postfix operator.</p></pre>drjokepu: <pre><p>And yet ironically prefix the increment operator tends to be rather popular amongst C++ developers. For example, it&#39;s preferred by Scott Meyers (Effective C++).</p></pre>hiptobecubic: <pre><p>They are different operators. They do different things.</p></pre>drjokepu: <pre><p>Obviously, what&#39;s your point?</p></pre>b4ux1t3: <pre><p>. . . You know what? I normally use prefix incrementers a lot. But I&#39;ve never even reached for it in Go. I didn&#39;t even know it didn&#39;t have one. I wonder if that&#39;s because I just haven&#39;t needed to use one, or if there&#39;s something inherent about how the language works that makes it unnecessary. Huh.</p></pre>DeedleFake: <pre><p>Probably has something to do with the fact that <code>somevar++</code> is <a href="" rel="nofollow">a statement</a> in Go, not an expression, so there would be no difference between prefix and postfix variants.</p></pre>b4ux1t3: <pre><p>Makes sense, actually. I think this might be a good way to illustrate the difference between a statement and an expression to some learners.</p></pre>rr1pp3rr: <pre><p>Exceptions are awesome!</p></pre>IndianAlien: <pre><p>Catch and throw please.</p></pre>FullBetaReduction: <pre><p>why? i dont think any language should have this</p></pre>IndianAlien: <pre><p>This is more of a joke thread, but really it has to do with me just being so used to it coming from Java and Python. </p></pre>Uncaffeinated: <pre><p>It&#39;s a shame Go has panic/recover then, right?</p></pre>forreddits: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Go is about very smart people at Google solving very BIG problems. They know best. If you don&#39;t like Go, then you are small and are solving small problems. If you were big (or smart), you would surely like it.</a></p></pre>forreddits: <pre><p>Swift will definitely kill Go.</p></pre>qihqi: <pre><p>rust is better.</p></pre>dirkharrington: <pre><p>Rust does everything better</p></pre>TotesMessenger: <pre><p>I&#39;m a bot, <em>bleep</em>, <em>bloop</em>. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:</p> <ul> <li>[<a href="/r/annoyinonesentence" rel="nofollow">/r/annoyinonesentence</a>] <a href="" rel="nofollow">/r/golang</a></li> </ul> <p><a href="#footer" rel="nofollow"></a><em><sup>If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don&#39;t vote in the other threads.</sup> <sup>(<a href="/r/TotesMessenger" rel="nofollow">Info</a></sup> <sup>/</sup> <sup><a href="/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger" rel="nofollow">Contact</a>)</sup></em></p> <p><a href="#bot" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>Irythros: <pre><p>Shitty language without class inheritance.</p> <p>Kappa.</p></pre>libmn: <pre><p>Nim.</p></pre>tv64738: <pre><p>I can&#39;t imagine programming without &lt;X&gt;.</p></pre>tcardv: <pre><p>Syntax highlighting.</p></pre>bkeroack: <pre><p>Systems programming</p></pre>detectivepayne: <pre><p>Go has a tiny library community </p></pre>interactiv_: <pre><p>&#34;You don&#39;t need that with Go&#34; ™ . Actually that&#39;s what gophers keep on saying, like what is needed in other languages isn&#39;t magically needed in Go /s</p></pre>koalefant: <pre><p>I feel like the fact that you got downvoted means your reply should actually be at the top. Oh the irony :p</p></pre>hiptobecubic: <pre><p>It&#39;s two sentences. DQ&#39;d.</p></pre>anacrolix: <pre><p>I don&#39;t think this would annoy Gophers, they&#39;re already saying it.</p></pre>Uncaffeinated: <pre><p>Maybe it&#39;s the second sentence that annoys gophers?</p></pre>dominikh: <pre><p>OP already won with the title of the post.</p></pre>FrenchDonkey: <pre><p>How do I handle exception in Go </p></pre>sseth: <pre><p>It&#39;s OK to ignore errors.</p></pre>jack747z: <pre><p>Go is the new COBOL. </p></pre>JonSnowsLoinCloth: <pre><p>What are you guys talking about, Go is an Asian game of skill. </p></pre>pierrrre: <pre><p>Golang 2.0</p></pre>intermernet: <pre><p>What would Ken Thompson know about programming?</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Why you no framework</a></p></pre>

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