<p>I'm building a web application for my girlfriend's company. I have them set up with Google apps for mail, drive, calendar, and contacts services. Instead of building out my own authentication layer, I'm hoping to utilize some sort of existing Google authentication.</p>
<p>My only requirement is that I must be able to dictate what Google users have access to the application. In this case, all users with the custom domain I set up with their Google Apps account.</p>
<p>Is this possible? Or should I look in another direction?</p>
<p>My Project: <a href="https://github.com/gspencerfabian/tts-scheduler" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/gspencerfabian/tts-scheduler</a> </p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>ExploreAndTell: <pre><p>Try looking into OAuth, I think that's what you mean by Google Authentication.</p></pre>gspencerfabian: <pre><p>So I have, but the question I'm trying to ask is: Can I use any of Google's auth protocols(whether it be oauth, oauth2, basic auth) to authenticate limited users with my app? I don't care about accessing the users google data. I'm just lazy and don't want to build a authentication layer. Taking time out of my normal work day to reset set someone's password in my girlfriends company does not appeal to me.</p>
<p>The reason I'm looking at Google's authentication is because their company already uses google apps. </p></pre>cube2222: <pre><p>Someone logs in using Google -> you check their Google user data for the domain -> you let him in and give him a cookie/reject him</p></pre>gspencerfabian: <pre><p>Thanks cube222, that will do the trick. I think I was over thinking this.</p></pre>xrstf: <pre><p>This is exactly what I used Google's OAuth for in my personal file hosting app. I'm simply configuring the e-mail addresses of users I allow and check that after the OAuth workflow is over.</p>
<p>You might want to check out the <a href="https://github.com/xrstf/hosty/blob/master/ctrl_oauth.go" rel="nofollow">oauth controller</a> and the <a href="https://github.com/xrstf/hosty/tree/master/oauth" rel="nofollow">oauth providers</a> for some inspiration. The app is based on Gin but does not use any specific OAuth library.</p></pre>gspencerfabian: <pre><p>This is great. Great job with hosty by the way, it looks awesome. Thanks xrstf</p></pre>TheMerovius: <pre><p>I think you are looking for <a href="https://cloud.google.com/iam/" rel="nofollow">Identity and Access Management</a>. Though it's also interesting to know where your stuff is running (i.e. if it's running on the Google Cloud or not).</p>
<p>Also, the authentication you describe should be pretty simple, you just want to <code>if !strings.HasSuffix(user.Email, "@example.com") { http.Error(res, http.StatusForbidden, "forbidden") }</code> or something.</p></pre>
Can I use Google authentication but restrict which users have access to my private golang app?
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