Hi all
React provide server side page rendering with node like. Facebook provide for that a lot of functions like React.renderToStaticMarkup for rendering pages on the server side.
It is possible to do server site rendering on golang too?
I really enjoy programming in golang and the most of my work, I wrote a webservices. When it comes to new technology like Isomorphic, it seems to be, that node.js provide to libraries and tools. I wrote webservices in node.js few years ago and javascript is really horrible for maintenance.
ApatheticGodzilla:Here is a github repo that gives an example of go server side rendering: https://github.com/olebedev/go-react-example
One solution (which I've seen with other languages) is to run a small node.js web service. You send it a JSON payload of data (including component path, route etc) and it returns a chunk of React-rendered HTML you can return directly or drop into your template.
Although you are using JavaScript server-side, it's only a few lines of code so shouldn't be too difficult to maintain. It does require another service as well, so there's that.