What native IDE for Windows?

polaris · · 2230 次点击    
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<p>I search an IDE for Windows in a x64 version without any java stuff (no IntellJ, Eclipse), no console stuff (no Sublime, Vim, Emacs) and auto completion for Go + easy F5 compile + console print in the IDE itself.</p> <p>Can&#39;t find one yet, anybody has an idea?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Zilog8: <pre><p><a href="https://github.com/visualfc/liteide" rel="nofollow">LiteIDE</a></p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>Do you know why I can&#39;t recompile a modified file? Bug is tracked here - <a href="https://code.google.com/p/golangide/issues/detail?id=115" rel="nofollow">https://code.google.com/p/golangide/issues/detail?id=115</a> - but that&#39;s from 2014 and this is still the case :/.</p></pre>Zilog8: <pre><p>Honestly, never had that problem. Are you sure compilation isn&#39;t failing, and it thus runs the previously compiled executable?</p> <p>Maybe something&#39;s malconfigured? Personally, instead of going through the trouble of setting everything up, I usually just get a <a href="https://github.com/josephspurrier/golang-portable-windows/releases" rel="nofollow">portable copy from here</a>. (It&#39;s got go, git, diff, and liteide in one download).</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>I just changed the &#34;Hello World&#34; to &#34;adadasd&#34; and CTRL+R.</p></pre>Zilog8: <pre><p>Well, all I can say is the magic words: &#34;Works on my machine&#34;™</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>Looks nice, but no x64 version so far (didn&#39;t find one)?</p></pre>Zilog8: <pre><p>From the main page:</p> <pre><code>Supported Systems Windows x86 (32-bit or 64-bit) Linux x86 (32-bit or 64-bit) MacOS X10.6 or higher (64-bit) OpenBSD 5.6 or higher (64-bit) </code></pre></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>Yes but I don&#39;t see any installer for x64 for version X27.2.1.</p></pre>Zilog8: <pre><p>Ahh, my apologies, I have misunderstood your statement. You want the IDE to be 64-bit?</p> <p>Well, LiteIDE is distributed as a 32-bit executable because that&#39;ll run in both 32-bit and 64-bit windows. However, as long as you install the 64-bit version of the go compiler, all programs you compile will be 64-bit. There is really no advantage to having the IDE be 64-bit.</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>I know, but I hate running 32bit software on my pc. Well, LIteIDE it is then, thanks :).</p></pre>rainworm: <pre><p>There&#39;s effectively no performance difference on Windows unless you&#39;re using intense software and more than a couple gigs of RAM in it, which isn&#39;t the case with LiteIDE. </p></pre>klaaax: <pre><blockquote> <p>I know, but I hate running 32bit software on my pc. Well, LIteIDE it is then, thanks :).</p> </blockquote> <p>Seriously stop bitching like a little girl, liteide has everything you need. It&#39;s time someone tells you to stop complaining like that.</p></pre>tehbilly: <pre><blockquote> <p>I know, but I hate running 32bit software on my pc.</p> </blockquote> <p>I can count on one (closed!) hand the number of times I&#39;ve been bitten by anything negative doing this. The reason it&#39;s distributed that way is because there&#39;s no reason not to.</p> <p>That said, if you&#39;re that close to your metal you should try a text editor with gocode and a terminal for building and running your code. The toolchain is extremely easy to use and you&#39;ll become more intimate with the tools you&#39;re using. This isn&#39;t Java, you don&#39;t need an IDE.</p> <p>Edit: For hotkey build/run functionality, try sublime. The go plugin for it does much of this for you.</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>I will never ever under no circumstances use everything but an IDE.</p> <p>Tooling around with a text editor and manually start my program over the cmd like it&#39;s 1994 - Nope.</p></pre>Femaref: <pre><p>how are you running the go code after you are finished developing?</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>Double click?</p></pre>jussij: <pre><p>The Zeus IDE has support for Go: <a href="http://zeusedit.com/go.html" rel="nofollow">http://zeusedit.com/go.html</a></p> <p>It&#39;s written in C++ so it is very fast starting and fast loading.</p> <p>Zeus does the stock standard Go syntax highlighting and code folding, code navigation etc.</p> <p>It will also run <em>goimports</em> on file save and uses <em>gocode</em> autocompletion.</p> <p>You can also run the compiler and navigate to errors from within the IDE.</p> <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Zeus is shareware and I&#39;m the author of Zeus.</p> <p>Edit: Zeus is x86 but runs fine on Windows (32-bit or 64-bit).</p></pre>rainworm: <pre><p><a href="https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins</a></p></pre>dashausSP: <pre><p>maybe <a href="http://www.zeusedit.com/index.html" rel="nofollow">Zeus IDE</a>??</p></pre>foo-bar-qux: <pre><p>I&#39;m not sure why you&#39;re avoiding IntelliJ... I&#39;ve tried them all, and the latest Go plugin makes it leaps and bounds ahead than the rest. </p> <p>If you really want to avoid IntelliJ, then I believe the Go plugin can be installed in their other IDEs - e.g. PhpStorm / WebStorm.</p> <p>However - don&#39;t fear the Java in IntelliJ - you really don&#39;t have to worry about it at all when developing Go. </p> <p>Although the IDE is written in Java, you don&#39;t have to mess around installing JDKs - it all just works.</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>No, it doesn&#39;t work without messing around. I installed it, started and and got the nice message &#34;please add the JDK path to Windows&#34;.</p></pre>dlsniper: <pre><p>As far as I remember, IntelliJ based IDEs for Windows come with their own JDK and you really don&#39;t need to do anything else.</p> <p>The plugin itself doesn&#39;t require Java nor anything else installed but Go. And you can use for example the free version of IntelliJ IDEA, called Community, to get started and see how it works, there&#39;s no differences between IDEs.</p> <p>And if you are avoiding IntelliJ just because it&#39;s based on Java, or worst, because of a previous experience with Eclipse, then by all means, wait for Microsoft to add support for Go to Visual Studio :)</p></pre>Yojihito: <pre><p>No, I was forced to give the path for the JDK on Windows 8.1 x64 when starting IntelliJ.</p></pre>foo-bar-qux: <pre><p>BTW your &#34;easy F5 compile&#34; is a slight stumbling point in IntelliJ. Press F9 and choose &#34;edit configurations&#34;. From there you can create new &#34;Go Test&#34; or &#34;Go Application&#34; configurations. It&#39;s extremely powerful and you can configure it to your hearts content. ... it&#39;s not quite as easy as mashing F5 though.</p></pre>genesem: <pre><p>sublime with go plugin, there is no good alternatives on windows. it&#39;s x64 and <em>not</em> console at all. :)</p></pre>Exaltred: <pre><p>Atom? Sublime text is dead last I checked, are there any advantages to sublime over atom?</p></pre>genesem: <pre><p>Hope no, not dead. Atom is slow and buggy <em>imo</em>.</p></pre>THEHIPP0: <pre><p>You checked the wrong source.</p> <p>Advantages: Starts about a gazillion times faster, once its open it doesn&#39;t lag if you open a file that has more then ~1000 lines while using less RAM.</p></pre>jussij: <pre><p>I read somewhere that atom was limited to a 2 MByte file size.</p> <p>If that is still the case, that&#39;s a pretty small file for a programmer&#39;s editor as many programming related files do get bigger than that.</p></pre>miko5054: <pre><p><a href="https://github.com/visualfc/liteide" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/visualfc/liteide</a></p></pre>Beldur: <pre><p>I like <a href="https://atom.io" rel="nofollow">https://atom.io</a> with &#34;go-plus&#34; and &#34;autocomplete-plus&#34; package</p></pre>Exaltred: <pre><p>Bump for atom, rockin it over here.</p></pre>tehbilly: <pre><p>Has performance gotten to be within reach of Sublime Text? I&#39;m on constrained hardware a lot of the time (work ultrabook or my Acer C720 (i3/4GB edition)), and atom was sluggish. Felt like running IntelliJ, so tolerable, but noticable.</p></pre>

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