I've been looking for an API gateway solution (or just a proxy) in #golang that offers middleware support like Vulcand does ( http://vulcand.github.io/ ), are there any other options there?
Vulcand doesn't very much alive right now.
whizack:Kong does all of this very nicely. getkong.org
mauriciolinhares:caddy has plugin support, but without knowing your specific scenario, I'd say it's the most flexible option.
luckyleprechaun98:The ideal solution would be something that allows me to easily route requests based on host/path to specific servers on the backend, allows for easy embedding and offers a middleware stack that I can hook into. Kind of like Netflix's Zuul ( https://github.com/Netflix/zuul ) but in go :D
billgao:Caddy is probably what you want. Traefik looks interesting but I haven't tried it yet.
Tyk: https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk , I hope that it will help you :)