Developing a Go backend in Android Studio?

blov · · 479 次点击    
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<p>I&#39;m developing an Android app and plan on using Go for the backend. I&#39;d like to use Android Studio for the Go development as well (Intellj J Go plugin), but I&#39;m having trouble figuring out how Go works in Android Studio. For instance, where do the Go files fit in the project structure? Do I drop them into the src directory of the app module? Also, how do Go files fit in with Gradle? Any help would be greatly appreciated. </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>sdobz: <pre><p>This is fairly independent of android studio but I tend to put all of my go source in a subdirectory of my project and symlink it all into my go root. I use android studio (in my case pycharm) to work on the source and then use standard go tools to build and run it. If you have sufficient understanding of gradle to write custom code then do so, otherwise I would just do it by hand.</p></pre>the_web_dev: <pre><p>For me it&#39;s:</p> <pre><code>/my-awesome-project /bin /pkg /src /third-party-lib-one /third-party-lib-two .gitignore main.go main_test.go utils.go utils_test.go </code></pre> <p>Don&#39;t forget to add the .idea and .iml files/dirs to your gitignore.. I always forget that.</p> <p>I use standard go tools like build and get to work my project. Note sometimes Intellj go-plugin won&#39;t pick up the third party lib you just &#34;go-getted&#34;, it&#39;s a simple fix just hover the red sguiggly line and select the go get -t option. I also use an independant terminal to run the tools, just because it seems faster.</p></pre>daveddev: <pre><p>It would probably be helpful to add <code>.idea</code> and <code>.iml</code> to ~/.gitignore_global (or wherever it is on your system). Then each project&#39;s .gitignore will not need to be muddled with your dev environment&#39;s needs.</p></pre>xlab_is: <pre><p>You may find useful my android-go examples here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>So you can pre-compile your Go package and include in like this:</p> <pre><code>LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := example LOCAL_SRC_FILES := lib/ LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -landroid include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) </code></pre> <p>Check out the Makefiles on how to build shared libraries using your Android SDK.</p></pre>

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