For who is Golang ?

polaris · 2016-09-06 07:00:12 · 966 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2016-09-06 07:00:12 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Question in the title.

Who Golang is targeting ? Ex-Python users ? C / C++ users ? Web developers (like Ruby and Ruby on Rails) ? ...



It is general purpose language(just like python,c ,c++) you can do almost anything. But most people use it to make network apps(high performance APIs, ) It provides the speed of static typed language and expressiveness of dynamic.

It is one of the few languages where you won't need third party frameworks/libraries most of the time. It has robust standard library.


I only know Python and C, and never do Web services. Maybe Go could be a good thing for me to learn.

No need third party framework seems interesting. There are other things that make Go unique and valuable ?


It has built-in tools for concurrency that are sensible and easy to use.

Some say it occupies a spot between C and Python. You might agree.

If you already know Python and C, Go should be pretty easy to learn. Give it a try!


I'm going to do that :) Thanks

EDIT : Oh last question, is it a high level langage or a low level ?


I think all languages these days are high level. Go is more higher level than C/C++ due to garbage collection.


Or whom...


and s/Golang/Go/g :)


I use it to build restful web services and web servers.


Go is a general purpose language. It was designed for building web services but it is quite useful for other purposes, too.


Those who want to get things done and have a task at hand where its toolset is handy.




Who'd have thought...someone not familiar with Go asking about Golang on /r/golang.


There is tons of documentation on this topic on the net. JFGI ;)


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