Is Kubernetes "simply" Borg open sourced?
After reading borg and kubernetes seem to solve the same thing. Is google switching to kubernetes for production?
_cowl:Kubernetes is a fresh implementation of a lot of the same concepts, but it is a completely new code base.
cube2222:Kubernetes is Born From Borg but Google Internally are using a new evolution of Borg called Omega:
thockin:No, kubernetes does not work (and won't) work on the scale of Borg. Kubernetes is proud of handling 3000 machines. Borg handles orders of magnitude more machines. Kubernetes is there for people to use Google Kontainer Engine.
TheMerovius:This is mostly true, but a rather bleak view of it. The truth is that the number of organizations in the whole world that need Borg-scale compute in a single cluster are probably countable on my fingers. Kubernetes focuses on the other 99.999% of organizations.
fthedill:Why do you believe it won't scale up more?
cube2222:If Google doesn't intend to use Kubernetes then why are they investing in it?
myringotomy:As I said. 1. Influence on the container market 2. Fun for their own developers 3. The most important, so people use Google Kontainer engine, as that's the easiest way to use k8s
They created it .